Online Chatting Engines: Yahoo Instant Messenger Vs. Windows Live Messenger

I use two different messengers, Yahoo Instant Messenger and Windows Live Messenger. Both can be downloaded online for free so cost plays no part in my preferences toward the messengers, but there are other differences that make them completely stand on their own.

Windows Live Messenger is really easy to use. You have many options in background choices and you can upload any avatar, making it easy to customize the window any way you want. The average sized font makes it easy to read and it’s easy to tell which of your friends are online and which ones aren’t. A small icon on the main window makes it easy to check your MSN email if you have one. You can change your online status to busy, away, be right back, in a call, or you can appear offline to your contacts. It’s also easy to add and remove contacts as needed. Windows Live Messenger has a file sharing option that makes it easy to share photos with the person your chatting with. I also love the nudge feature. It makes a dinging sound so when your buddy is away from the computer, they will know you are trying to get their attention. It comes with a great selections of emoticons and several live winks that are a riot. My favorite is a dancing pig and my little girl loves to send it too. Using webcam or the video call on Windows Live Messenger isn’t always the best. The images on the webcam tend to be choppy and sometimes it looks as if you are moving in slow motion. The voice option also doesn’t seem to work well with the microphone in my webcam.

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Yahoo Instant Messenger has great options too. Like Windows Live Messenger, you can customize the avatar and the way the window looks making it a great way to get the window to look however you want. Adding and removing contacts is easy and like the Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo is easy to read. With Yahoo, there are many online status options such as available, open talk, busy, stepped out, be right back, not at my desk, and on the phone. You can also set your status to invisible so your contacts do not know you are online at all. As with the Windows Live Messenger, there are many smileys to choose from that are very cute. On thing Yahoo has that Windows Live doesn’t have is the audibles and they are a hoot. My sister and I on many occasions sent the game audibles back and forth to each other. My favorite is the one that says, “I hope your hungry cuz I’m about to take you to lunch.” Yahoo Messenger definitely works better with my webcam. The image is clearer and the movements are true. No more slow motion. I also believe it works much better with my microphone and it’s easier to have a video conversation with someone online.

Both of these Instant Messengers are great and I think both are a far cry better than AOL Instant Messenger. I use them both regularly and will continue to do so. If I had to choose a favorite, however, I think I would go with the Yahoo Instant Messenger. This is simply because the video calls are of a better quality through Yahoo and the audibles are just way too fun to use. They are great for insults and getting someone’s attention, not to mention the ones meant for game time. I have the appearances on both the Windows Live Messengers and the Yahoo Messengers set just the way I want them and I have to say I prefer the look of the Windows Live Messenger. I was able to give it a more girly look and since I’m a girl, that’s just the way I like it.