Old Spice Pro Strength Deodorant Review

I am an athletic, active individual who spends at least 10 hours a week in the gym, coupled with 12 hour days for my job and daily dog walking. On top of that I have always been involved with sports and the outdoors in my free time. Can you see where I’m going with this yet folks? Well needless to say I am what you might call a heavy sweater. My metabolism is very fast and I am constantly sweating, even when it is cool outside. Well at least I was until I discovered Old Spice Pro Strength.

Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re saying to youself, ‘Hey! This guy sounds just like me but I’ve never been able to find a deodorant that will stop underarm sweating.’ Well look no further folks. I have tried dozens of deodorants over the years, from gels, to solids, to soft solids, but none of them seemed to fully curb the sweat. I thought I was never going to find a solution.

As I was walking through Target one day, I spotted a new type of deodorant, Old Spice Pro Strength. Needless to say I was interested but skeptical of Old Spice Pro Strength’s lofty claims because I had been there, done that with dozens of other sticks. However, my curiosity got the better of me and I purchased a stick of Old Spice Pro Strength to give it a test run and see if it could keep up with my lifestyle as it claimed.

One the first day I noticed a huge improvement over my previous “Active Strength” stick! That was odd to me as it resembled similar deodorant formulas I’d used in the past so I assmued it would be more of the same. Wrong. A few simple clicks and Old Spice Pro Strength went to work all day for me. I honestly was amazed and it virtually has solved the majority of my underarm sweat problems.

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Here is what Old Spice Pro Strength claims to do:

-Provides extra strength wetness protection
-Contains odor fighting microcapsules
-Contains skin conditioning ingredients to help minimize irritation

Old Spice Pro Strength really DOES live up to these three main claims folks. Especially the skin conditioners included in the Pro Strength formula. You ever notice how some deodorants will leave your underarms itchy, flaky and even red at times? I’ve found that Old Spice Pro Strength glides on effortlessly and at the end of the day washes off relatively easy as well. My underarms do not itch or flake like from previous sticks I’ve used and I have never notice redness. Another great benefit I’ve found from Old Spice Pro Strength is that it does not catch your underarm hairs as you apply it. Guys, you know what I’m talking about. Not a pleasant feelilng when you start your morning.

Old Spice Pro Strength even offers a full money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. I did not find that on competitors’ deodorant sticks at the time I discovered Old Spice Pro Strength.

I highly recommend this product to those of you, like myself, who are active individuals living a active lifestyle. I’ve now been a user of Old Spice Pro Strength for years and I swear by it. Just try it. If you try Old Spice Pro Strength and decide that it was the right stick for you, leave a comment with your positive (or negative) feedback!