Odor Eliminating Light Bulbs and How They Work

I know what your thinking, yeah right. I too was skeptical when I heard about these light bulbs. How can a light bulb eliminate odors, thinking it was most likely just another scam gadget on the market. Like many consumers I have tried room sprays, air fresheners, carpet deodorizers, plug ins, potpourri etc. Although these products can emit a nice aroma, their main purpose is to cover up odors as apposed to eliminating odors. Not too mention they never last long enough!

There is a large demand for ways to freshen the air. This huge market in the USA alone spends billions trying to rid their homes of offensive odors. Whether they are odors from cooking, pets, smoking or odors beyond our control. We all want that fresh clean air.

So I decided to do some research on line before doling out my dollars. I found many informative sites and many positive reviews that made me feel less skeptical, so I decided to purchase two of them, still hoping the claims and reviews were valid. I was excited to receive my new bulbs which I had ordered on line. I couldn’t wait to put them to the test!

I decided to add one to the ceiling socket in my laundry room, which always had a mixture of odors. A combination of kitty litter (even offensive when it is clean) dirty clothing in the hamper and a musty smell which had no obvious answer.

The second bulb I placed in the kitchen. I love cooking with garlic and onions, although the aroma is heavenly during cooking, the aftermath can leave behind a nasty odor. Now both of these rooms are not very large , measuring approx. 10 X 8 and 12 X 12. I left the rooms for half and hour and when I returned, I seemed to notice a difference but nothing magical, so I waited for another half an hour. When I returned I closed my eyes (not sure why really, I guess I didn’t want any distractions) then inhaled deeply through my nose. I didn’t smell anything, which I realized was a good thing! In the laundry room there was no smelly litter, no smelly socks and in the kitchen no food odors, there was really the lack of any scent at all. I guess that’s what we would call clean or fresh air. As for my opinion, I agree this product does what it claims to do, eliminate odors.

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Now it is important to realize that there are several factors as to how well the bulb works. Such as the size of the room, larger rooms or open floor plans may require additional bulbs, which you most likely use anyway for sufficient lighting. Then of course some odors may be too over bearing, such as pet urine in the carpet (thank goodness, that’s never been an odor issue I have had to contend with!) Also proper installation according to the manufacturer, it must not be used in a closed fixture. The fetid air must touch the bulbs surface for it to do it’s job.

What kind of bulb is it?
The bulb is Fresh2. It is a revolutionary compact fluorescent light bulb that safely breaks down odors, while providing energy-efficient light. The bulb is claimed to eliminate odors for up to three years. A typical incandescent bulb will give 750 to 1,000 hours of life. Compare that to a fluorescent light, which will last for 10,000 hours.

How do these bulbs work?
They are coated with Titanium Dioxide also known as TiO2 which is a catalyst and can be used to breakdown organic compounds in the presence of light. When the light is turned on, it activates the coating which releases odor fighting oxidizers. This oxidation process is supposed to break down odors completely. The reason the bulb needs air circulation to work is because it needs the organic particles floating in the air to come in contact with the TiO² coating on the light bulb’s surface.

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Where can I use these bulbs?
It’s perfect for those areas where you have persistent odors, consider leaving the bulb on continuously for a fresh atmosphere 24/7! It is a 23-watt Compact Fluorescent Bulb so it only costs pennies to operate.

How much do they cost?
Two 23 watt bulbs are approx. $20.00 plus shipping costs.

Well there you have it. An efficient light source that eliminates odor.
