Odd Holidays to Celebrate with Your Kids in Winter

Kids love holidays, so surprise them by celebrating odd holidays this winter. They won’t be expecting to celebrate holidays other than Christmas, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, and Saint Patrick’s Day. Special days bring families together, so adding more festive family time is a great way to bond. There are plenty of odd yet fun holidays to celebrate in January and February. I will be celebrating the following weird but wonderful holidays with my three children this winter, and I hope you will find them enjoyable too.

National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day

On January 3, surprise your kids with chocolate covered cherries. Wrap them in special paper, and include a card that says, “Happy National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day.” Moms, make sure to pick yourself up a box too.

National Puzzle Day

National Puzzle Day is January 29. Purchase new puzzles for your children as a gift, then help them put the pieces together. Puzzles are the perfect thing to celebrate because they are both educational and fun. Assembling puzzles is one of my 6-year-old daughter’s favorite pastimes. As soon as she finishes one puzzle, she is ready to move to the next.

Inspire Your Heart With Art Day

Children enjoy creating their own art and looking at other people’s artwork. Don’t let the month of January go by without celebrating Inspire Your Heart With Art Day on January 31. Fun ideas for this holiday include going online to look at artwork, talking about famous artists, visiting an art museum, and allowing children to create unique art. If your kids need new art supplies, pick them up tempera paint, paintbrushes, and high quality paper (heavy-weight white bond paper, etc .) Painting has always been my children’s favorite form of art. They enjoy mixing colors together to form their own unique shades. Tempera paint is perfect for children because it is a good quality paint yet not too expensive.

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Take Your Child to the Library Day

Welcome February by celebrating Take Your Child to the Library Day. This holiday is on February 2, and many libraries hold special events on this holiday such as scavenger hunts and story time. My children enjoy going to the library and picking out books to take home. You can’t go wrong with an educational activity the whole family can participate in. Pick up some books for yourself while your their too.

National Banana Bread Day

On February 23, wake your kids up to the smell of fresh baked banana bread. Muffins would be a super substitute to bread since they are kid-sized and look like cupcakes. Later in the day, make banana bread or muffins with your children. Allow your kids to measure, crack eggs, peel bananas, and mix the batter. They will be proud to say that they made the terrific treat. My children all like to help me cook. Cracking eggs is my six-year-old’s favorite thing to do when helping me cook or bake.

Tell a Fairy Tale Day

Allow children to use their imagination on February 26 by celebrating Tell a Fairy Tale Day. Read famous fairy tales to your children, then allow them to make up their own fairy tale. Take the time to listen to your children’s stories .

My children feel special when I allow them to read to me, listen to them explain what a book they are reading is about, look at and hang up their school art projects, and purchase them special gifts. Children want to know that their parents take interest in what they are doing and think about them. Celebrating these unique holidays is one way to show your children they are precious to you.

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What is your favorite odd holidays to celebrate with your kids in winter?

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