NYC: Free Stuff in Lower Manhattan Discovered

NYC, where the rent is high and so is everything else. Does NYC offer any free stuff? In Lower Manhattan, a store at 99 Nassau, has just opened. It is offering everything for free. That’s right, all free stuff. The entire store has free stuff from dishes, to DVD’s. It’s a three week public art project based on resources. And from the looks of things, NYC residents have plenty to offer for free. According to artist Athena Robles, it is a creative way for people to use resources.

She and Anna Stein received a grant from The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council to open a global store that introduces World Bills, a form of global currency. After customers make their pick, they go through a check-out to receive a receipt for their free stuff. According to Athena, some people donate things on the spot. The funny thing is, people don’t just want to take. They will take the hat off their head to give back.

NYC Free Stuff from the Free Store

Customers excitedly waited outside the store before it even opened. They selected t-shirts, some of which were vintage, DVD’s, a collection of forks, canvas totes, a set of beautiful tea cups, a new leather portfolio and a large, black and white photograph of a winter scene suitable to frame. A cellophane wrapped, large poster of Audrey Hepburn in her black dress and pearls was quickly grabbed up. Jewelry, knit scarves, hats, shoes and many other new items were donated to the store. So, a free art project, a free store offering free stuff in NYC. What fun.

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The Lower Manhattan Cultural CouncilSupports Free Stuff

The Council encourages art where it is least expected and especially in New York’s Financial District where they are located. Through the LLMC council, the link between culture and capital are explored. What better way to explore this link than to open a NYC store offering free stuff in the Financial District? It remains to be seen if a world currency will be become an actuality, but exploring the possibilities in the Financial District of the world is ironic. And judging from the response of the store customers, there just might be a positive attitude towards this movement.

NYC Free Stuff a Sign of the Times?

Is it a sign of the times for NYC to offer free stuff? As the economy continues in it’s downward spiral along with the collapse of many of our basic institutions, maybe free stuff will become the new world currency. It appeared that resources donated to the art project were not only new and valuable but abundant. The store will be open for three weeks. That is a lot of free stuff NYC!