NuvaRing Review: Is This Birth Control Better Than Others on the Market?

NuvaRing Review: Introduction

Today there are many available birth control options for women on the market such as a product called the NuvaRing. The NuvaRing is a type of birth control that is manufactured by Organon USA Inc. for women that was approved in the United States in the late fall of 2001 by the FDA. Is the Nuvaring a better birth control option than the others on the market?

NuvaRing Review: About the Product

The NuvaRing is a clear flexible ring that is inserted in the vagina for up to 3 weeks. During these 3 weeks the NuvaRing continuously releases hormones from the ring that the vaginal walls absorb; thus, helping prevent a pregnancy. After the 3 weeks are up then the ring is removed for a full week then replaced with a new one. During the week when there is no ring inside the vagina is when a woman’s menstrual cycle will occur. After a week break from the product, a new ring is inserted for another 3 weeks. The first month is not recommended for relying solely on the effectiveness of the NuvaRing. It is advised that a woman using the product wait a month of use before having unprotected sex due to the fact that a pregnancy could occur while the body adjusts to the product. Each ring releases 0.120 mg/day of etonogestrel and 0.015 mg/day of ethinyl estradiol which is a combination of hormones. This product is only available with a prescription from a physician.

NuvaRing Review: Benefits and Side Effects

The NuvaRing does have some benefits such as only having to remember to insert one ring each month rather than having to remember to take a pill each day. The product can also be left out for up to 3 hours. This is beneficial for those who would rather have sexual intercourse without the ring in. If the product is left out for more than 3 hours then a backup method such as a condom is suggested for a week. As a reminder just as any other hormonal birth control options this product does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. The ring can also slip out during intercourse or when going the bathroom where straining occurs. Like other hormonal birth control methods there are some side effects. The most common side effects are: vaginitis, headaches, upper respiratory infections, nausea, and weight gain.

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NuvaRing Review: Is This Product Recommended?

Would I recommend this product? Well let me explain a few things. I only used the NuvaRing for 3 months. I only stopped taking it due to insurance reasons. I did have a few problems with the product such as having occasional mood swings. I believe this was caused from the hormones. I also gained some weight from using this product. I gained roughly about five pounds; however, I gained some weight from other birth control methods that I had previously used. I was also skeptical about the reliability of the product. I was paranoid that the ring wasn’t in right and that the Nuvaring was actually doing its job by releasing the correct amount of hormones needed. The manufacturer states though that with typical use the ring only has a 1% to 2% failure rate. I would recommend the NuvaRing. I don’t feel that the side effects that I had were too major compared to the birth control options on the market. It was very easy to use and remember that any woman will appreciate.