Nutrition in Early Childhood

It is common knowledge that proper nutrition is critical in early childhood. Without proper nutrition children are more likely to suffer from a multitude of health problems. Unfortunately, many parents do not fully understand what proper nutrition is during early childhood.


Children are little people, but little people do not require the same nutrition that big people do. Their stomachs are smaller, their bodies are growing and changing and their digestive systems are more sensitive than those of adults. Likewise, early childhood is the ideal time to introduce proper nutrition and a variety of foods because, if you have ever tasted it you know that almost anything tastes better than breast milk or formula.

Proper nutrition in the first years of life is critical to the well-being of the child throughout their life. Malnutrition can cause a multitude of mental and physical problems and overfeeding can lead to obesity and other problems. Therefore, it is imperative that parents and caregivers are aware of their child’s diet and what proper nutrition is as they grow and develop.

What Is Proper Nutrition?

Proper nutrition changes as a human body develops and changes. It begins with a woman’s diet during pregnancy and continues to evolve and change throughout the life of the child growing inside her womb. It is important to understand what a growing body needs in order to provide the nutrients and calories required for growth without providing an excess of calories or nutrients.

Proper infant nutrition starts during pregnancy. A developing fetus requires approximately 300 calories per day, which means a pregnant woman needs to eat an extra 300 calories per day to maintain her weight and health during pregnancy . Thanks to the benefits of prenatal vitamins that supply all of the important vitamins and nutrients that a growing fetus needs, it is not as important as it once was to be particular about where those extra calories come from.

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Far more important than what a pregnant woman eats is what she should not eat. Alcohol, soft cheeses and mercury bearing or raw fish should be completely off limits during pregnancy . Things like caffeine, fat and cholesterol should be limited, but are fine in moderation . These things can have a negative effect on the development of a fetus.

During the first 4-6 months of life breast milk or infant formula is more than adequate to provide all of the nutrients and calories that a growing baby needs. While formula fed babies receive all of the iron they need, breastfed babies are likely to need a liquid iron supplement to provide adequate iron to prevent anemia . Babies will eat until they are full, so there is no need to worry whether a breastfed baby is getting enough to eat or not.

Babies can begin eating semi-solid foods between 4 and 8 months. The order in which solid foods should be introduced is cereal, vegetables, fruits, meats and then mixed foods . Finger foods like bananas, cereals and other soft finger foods are appropriate around 8 months.

At around a year old, babies should be weaned off of formula or breast milk and started on regular milk. At this point, children are capable of knowing how much food they need. Children eat until they are full and therefore, it is more important to offer foods with a wide variety of nutrients and minerals than to worry about how much they eat . Because children grow in spurts for the first few years of life, it is common for them to go through periods of excessive hunger and periods of lack of hunger.

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Why Is Proper Nutrition Important?

Proper nutrition is vital to a child’s health and development. Malnutrition can lead to many problems for growing children. Likewise, overfeeding can cause just as many problems. This is why it is important for parents and caregivers to understand the changing need of babies and children.

Malnutrition or a lack of proper calories and nutrients can cause a multitude of problems. Children who do not receive adequate nutrition are often susceptible to a variety of illnesses and injuries. Nutrients like calcium are important for the development of bones and teeth and a deficiency of calcium can lead to brittle or weak bones that are easily broken or damaged.

Overfeeding an infant or child can lead to different problems that can be even more difficult to correct later in life. Children that are taught to overeat lose their ability to determine when they are full and should stop eating which can obviously lead to a lifetime of obesity. Overfed children, especially those are fed diets that are high is sugars, are susceptible to ailments such as diabetes, which is a lifelong condition that can have a profound impact on a child’s entire life.

Analysis & Conclusion

Proper nutrition is vital to the health and development of children and is especially important early in life. Malnutrition and overfeeding can both cause significant health problems that can impact a child’s development and health for life. Therefore, it is critical for parents and caregivers to know and understand how the nutritional requirements for babies and children change and evolve throughout early childhood.

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Brunilda MD, N. (2009, March 16). Eating Right When Pregnant. Retrieved February 25, 2011, from WebMD:

WIC. (2000). Infant Nutrition Manual.