November Child Safety Month Updates

November, child safety and protection month, challenges us to be more aware of the many ways we must learn to protect the children of our land. Everyone must actively listen to new information and help protect all kids.

The following short message provides both updates and information of which we must be aware.

1. Childproof caps are not always childproof.

2. Hot dogs, grapes, hard candies and nuts, especially, can cause choking in children. [Give young children small bites of food – no matter what it is – so they don’t choke.]

3. Car seats or booster seats must be used by all children until at least age eight. Check to see that seat belts fit them properly to prevent injury.

4. Never use an infant car seat in the front seat! [not even so you can keep an eye on the child] Above all, do not place an infant car seat in the front seat with passenger air bags. Most likely it would be deadly in an accident.

5. If your child is too quiet – check immediately. [Do not leave any children alone without checking on them.]

6. If a situation seems suspicious, report it. [We hear of repeated child molesters and rapists who are being returned into society with little or no help for their problems. Maybe they will never be helped.] Check on-line for any child molesters living in your neighborhood.

7. When leaving your child with a “friend”, be sure you really know and trust them. [Stories about boyfriends shaking infants to death are in the media everyday – maybe just because the child cried or wet their pants.]

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8, Take time to check out day care providers. [Don’t leave children with someone just because they’re 1) family, 2) they charge very little to care for your child. Think very hard before leaving them in an unsightly, dirty home or if they are caring for more than six children. Never ever leave a child if the day care has any what you may call “shady” characters ever in the home or visiting. Also, if the care provider seems very lazy or un-caring toward any child.]

9. Study the risk of flu shots – any kind of flu. [Usually, vaccinations are best for your children They will lighten the case or prevent catching the flu virus.] If you choose not to get vaccinations, keep child as protected as possible.

Additional information everyone should know about child safety and protection.

Never let children toss or drop food into their mouths. Be among statistics that say car seat usage has risen dramatically. Remember that car crashes remain the leading cause of death for kids under age five. Child-proof caps delay toddlers’ opening medication, but some toddlers can open them within ten minutes. Keep meds where children will have a hard time reaching them. Never risk a child’s safety because you want to go out and have fun – without children.