Not All Salts Are the Same – Sea the Difference!

The FDA has told us to limit our salt intake because of the health risks it can have on our bodies. The problem with this statement is that not all salts are created the same. Table salt is so over processed that you end up with a lack of the original nutrients and minerals found in true natural grey salt. As a result of a heating process to remove these minerals, the salt companies end up with two types of products, one is the table salt and the other is what’s leftover; the minerals and nutrients. Hence, the table salts are the type of salts the FDA should be singling out. However, they prefer to make a general statement that “salt” is bad for our health and we should have a low sodium diet. So is there a good salt? Yes, it’s called grey sea salt.

Recently, for culinary purposes, I wanted to try this grey salt I found at World Markets. The product I bought is called Esprit Du Sel. It’s a natural grey sea salt that is hand harvested from the clay bottoms of the French Atlantic salt marshes every summer. It has a light grey, moisture-like appearance. This particular grey salt comes from the Island of La Rochelle and Cognac in France. From my research, I’ve learned that the grey salt retains the calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, and iodine that has been removed from table salt. This grey salt is not treated nor washed. To a delicate palate, one can definitely taste the difference between a grey salt and table salt. It is about four times the cost of table salt. Besides a better taste, there are many health benefits to using grey salts. Here are just a few;

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It helps control chronic skin diseases like psoriasis.

It helps control irregular heartbeats.

It takes out acidity from the cells.

It helps balance sugar levels in the bloodstream.

It helps the generation of hydroelectric energy in the cell.

It absorbs food particles through the intestinal tract.

It helps the cells in the brains to communicate with each other.

It helps with muscle cramps.

It’s a natural anti-histamine

The best part for those who seem to retain water, sea salts won’t give you the feeling of being bloated either because you won’t retain water as you do with table salt.

I’ve attached an interesting article I came across. The author mentions that their father who was on a beta blocker for his heart, found himself needing a lesser dosage after incorporating a diet of natural sea salts. I personally found this interesting because I too was on a beta blocker called Toprol. I took myself off two years ago because of my desire to lead a natural way of life. However, after reading about this, it gave me more assurance that I can continue my natural lifestyle course by also incorporating sea salts to my diet for a healthier heart.

True sea salts will have a greyish look, just so you don’t confuse it with some of the ordinary white sea salts. Some white sea salts are refined like table salt. You might have to go to a health food store for natural grey salts.
