North American Native Plants: Turtlehead

One of my husband’s favorite plants that he has in a shade garden that he has built is the turtlehead (Chelone spp.). I have to admit that I really like it, too. In addition, the blooms on this plant do look like a turtle with its mouth open.

The turtlehead is a native wildflower of North America and is hardy in Zones 3-8. The plant has pointed leaves that are about 6 inches long in a dark green color. It grows to be about 2-3-feet tall on sturdy stems that usually do not need staking. You should, however, cut it back by about half in mid-spring to encourage a bushier, more compact growth and to keep the plant from flopping. Plant in fertile, somewhat acidic soil. (My husband’s shade garden is beneath two large pines trees, which provide not only mulch but also acidity — both courtesy of the pine needles that fall from the trees. Do not, however, plant your turtleheads under trees with low hanging limbs. They need some space between them and the tree limbs.) Turtleheads prefer moist conditions. They can handle full sun if planted in boggy conditions. They can also handle partial shade, but the soil should be kept moist and never allowed to dry out. (While turtleheads tend to be relatively trouble-free, they can develop powdery mildew if the soil is not kept moist and allowed to become too dry.) Turtleheads also prefer cooler climates; therefore, they should be provided with protection from the hot afternoon sun in hotter climates. They can easily be started from seeds planted in the early spring. They can also be propagated by division. They should be divided in the early spring in cold climates and the early fall in warmer climates.

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Most varieties of turtleheads begin to bloom in the late summer, and the blooms last into the late fall. (Bloom time is anywhere from 3-6 weeks or longer, with 8 weeks actually being about the average.) The blooms can be found in pink, red, or white. At the end of the season, simply cut back to the ground and mulch. New growth will begin to appear in the late spring.

Following are some cultivars in which you might be interested in including in your own garden:

Pink Turtlehead (Chelone lyonii): Grows to be 1-3 feet tall and has a more open appearance than other species.
Rose Turtlehead (C. obliqua): Good for regions with hot summers and can also survive cold winters. Grows to be 2-3 feet tall and has rose-colored blooms. You might also like to try another variety of C. obiqua called ‘Alba,’ which blooms a bit earlier (mid- to late-summer) and has pure white blooms.
White Turtlehead (C. glabra): Blooms are white to creamy and frequently have a red or pink tinge. Prefers cooler climates.

Hodgson, Larry. Perennials for Every Purpose. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Organic Living Books, 2000.

Roth, Susan A. New Complete Guide to Gardening. Des Moines, IA: Meredith Corporation, 1997.