Nine of the Funniest Videos Online

This is probably the most fun I’ve ever had writing an article. I went on a search to find some of the funniest videos on the web and compile them into one spot. What I found in watching these videos is that, there are three main factors that make us laugh when we watch a funny Internet video, and they are:

1. Shock Value
2. Misfortune
3. Lack of Preparation

These videos are loaded with those three qualities. Let’s check them out.

Now the way this is going to work is, I’m going to break each section into two parts. First, read my introduction. When I say ‘check it out,’ then you can click the title of the section and watch the video. After which, leave the new window up and return to the article for an in depth look at the humor of the video — it’ll be fun.

Video number nine:

9. Palm Tree Robber

A man attempts to rob a store with quite the interesting choice of a weapon. Check it out.

Now you’d think if someone were to rob a store unprepared, he’d at least fake that he has a legitimate weapon. But, of course, if he had, we wouldn’t have video number nine. This guy wasn’t prepared. He walks into a store prepared to rob the joint with a palm tree. The man ended up being, promptly, chased off with a vicious wooden bar stool. I’m going to take a wild guess and suggest there was abuse of some sort of substance involved.

Ever wonder what would happen if news reporters couldn’t hold their poise? Well, these next three videos demonstrate that in three different fashions.

8. Struggling Sports Reporter

Can anybody say awkward? This video brings tears of hysterical laughter to my eyes. This sports reporter either was a stand in, or had a terrible case of nerves. Either way, it’s clear, the teleprompter was moving entirely too fast for him. Check it out.

At :48 seconds he expresses his exasperation in a very revealing way, before a ten second silence. At 1:22, it seems he is looking for anyone to come save him.

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I especially appreciate, however, his play by play analysis during the Pacer highlights. Nothing is more profound then, “Steven Jackson Steve–” (2:08), “He shoots a three” (2:22) When really it’s only a two, and “Later he gets the rebound and passes it to the man” (2:26).

Really, I beg the question, why is he calling play by play for a game which has already been played? This was an absolute train wreck — pretty funny stuff.

7. Attack of the Lizard

This particular news reporter is holding himself together, that is until the attack of the lizard. Check it out.

What kills me is, he loses control so much, he actually falls. You could tell this guy was on edge to begin, because, there was no time between the lizard landing on him and him freaking out. If you look, he actually reacted to the lizard, the very instant it landed on him.

There were, even, several times he restrained himself from saying things he had no business saying on live TV.

If this doesn’t get a good laugh out of you watching it the first time, replay it several times from :12 forward. Remember folks, this is live TV. You’re sitting at the coffee table enjoying a report on reptiles and then … “Glgggghhhhh — What the …” *clunk* — hilarious.

6. Model Falls — Anchors Laugh

This next instance, is a case of the giggles. While the model’s fall is pretty funny, at a point, the news anchors give up trying to hold in their laughter and actually embrace the fact that they’ve lost their poise.

5. Carl Lewis’ National Anthem

Now this is just funny. Here Carl Lewis is, supposedly an American hero, singing the National Anthem at a Chicago Bulls game and he absolutely butchers it. Check it out.

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What’s especially funny is the ‘Uh oh’ after ‘the rockets red glare,’ and the lack luster safe octave at ‘the land of the free’ where, usually, the singer would pull out the best of their voice.

4. Grape Lady

Cheaters don’t prevail. Obviously, no one informed this news reporter, or she just doesn’t listen. In a report on a grape stomping contest, she demonstrates for her audience how the contest would be executed. Then, in true journalism fashion, goes the extra mile to demonstrate the disadvantages to cheating. Check it out.

To add more humor to the already funny video, when the producers finally leave the grunting reporter, the news anchors inside are doing everything they can not to belch out a laugh. By time the camera fades out, the anchors are dead still. I can only imagine what happened after they went off air.

3. Clumsy Heist of Self-dignity

Now this guy had no plan at all. He attempts to rob a liquor store, but in the process he realizes, his I.Q. is very low. Check it out.

Nothing beats his graceful, cat-like entrance at :37. He clumsily fumbles into the liquor store, only to leisurely shop with no way out. When he realizes he can’t get out, he makes an attempt at leaving the way he came in. Take a look at how it ended up for him.

2. Stupid Boxer

Apparently, this boxer has been fighting too long. He can’t seem to figure out the easy things, i.e. getting in and out of the ring. And you expect me to believe this guy is agile enough to win?

1. Harold’s Shop at Home Blooper

Nothing beats a good fall. Check it out.

Now there are a few lessons you could take from Harold McCoo, of Cable Value Network. One, is a lesson on warnings, being that Harold was warned, first, at :18 when he decided to go off script. Karen’s response seems genuine, in hindsight, when she says, “It is?”

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Notice their interaction at :22 where Harold is clearly improvising. Karen stares off set, seemingly for instructions in what to do with his ill-advised, wayward ad-libbing. Then, at :32, Harold gets his second warning — after that, the only thing “locked, firmly, in place,” is his legacy as the man who fell on his face.

To add insult to injury, what does Karen do while Harold has resumed his sale from his new position, flat on his back? (freeze frame :40) Well, just listen at :41.

The next lesson is a lesson on perseverance. Harold is so dedicated to selling this ladder, that he puts his body on the line. Even after that fails, he continues to sell the item like a true champ. Even though he swore to us on two separate occasions that he locked it, he reneged and admitted human error immediately, standing firm to the integrity of the product, declaring that it, in fact, wasn’t locked — well, Harold, what was your first clue?

But he continued to sell it because, “Once you lock it, it’s OK… But, it is very safe to operate… so…. continue to call for it.”

Good for you Harold, we can learn from your dedication to your job! Now go get that face patched up that you so willingly busted at :37 on our behalf.

Each of these videos are funny for three reasons. Either someone had an unfortunate occurrence, someone was unprepared, or someone was not smart — maybe all of the above on some, either way, it makes for good comedy.