Newborn Clothing Necessities Checklist

As a new parent, you probably have many questions on your mind. That is why this checklist will come in handy when you are at the store to pick out those very cute new baby clothing necessities. Look for and buy:

____A “take-me-home” outfit for bringing home the new baby. Make sure you get an outfit that keeps the baby warm according to the season, as well as, something that will help make sure the baby fits into the car seat snugly without creating interference from being too bulky. There are sets that include a onsie, pants, a jacket, a bib, a hat, and sometimes even socks ranging anywhere from $15 to $45.

____Around 5 kimono sets or gowns. These will be easy for changing many diapers during the night and day, undressing as well as redressing the newborn baby, and making sure that the umbilical cord (if still attached) is not rubbed to much by tight clothing.

____At least 5 to 10 onsies. Onsies come in very handy. They can be worn alone, with pants, or as undershirts and can be changed easily with the three snaps at the bottom. As a new parent, laundry may build up fast; so the more clothing the merrier.

____ Around 5 sleepers with feet. Babies do not need to sleep with blankets. In fact by using blankets in the crib or playpen, the baby will be at a higher risk to suffocate. Therefore, by using sleepers or even sleeper blankets the baby will stay nice and warm.

____ Around 1 to 3 sweater cardigans or jackets. These will be used on cool days that do not necessarily need a bulky snow suit or bunting. By getting more than one, you can ensure that the cardigan goes with the rest of the outfit. However, only one is really needed to get by.

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____ 1 snowsuit or winter bunting. On the coldest days of the year, this snowsuit will cover every part of the baby’s body except the face to ensure that the baby stays warm. Since the baby is so small, this suit is easy to slide the baby in and zip up.

____ At least 4 pairs of socks or booties. Depending on how active the baby is, will help you decide whether socks or booties work out better. Booties often slide on and off easily where socks do not. From personal experience, my advice to those with very active babies (even newborns can be active) is to get all socks. Feet need to stay warm just the same as the top of the head.

____ Anywhere from 4 to 6 hats. There are hats that purely slide on and off the head as well as hats that tie or snap under the chin. Again, depending on the amount of activity the baby does will help you decide whether you need a tie to keep the hat on or not. For starters you can purchase one or two of both.

____ Around 5 blankets. Although the baby should not sleep with a blanket, they are important to use when going outside or into a public place. The blanket will keep the baby warm, as well as, provide some kind of protection from outside germs. Blankets are also used to sooth the baby by being wrapped tightly around him or her.

____For starters purchase a jumbo pack or two of disposable diapers or a couple dozen cloth diapers. Newborns tend to go through 10 to 15 diapers a day depending on feeding method, consistency, how much they eat, etc. However, be careful not to go overboard since the newborn will grow fast. Newborn diapers go up to a weight of around 10 pounds.

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This is just a list for clothing needs. There are also many checklists available on the internet for baby gear, bottle feeding, breast feeding, nursery accessories, bathing, safety, and everything else you can think of.