New York’s Serendipity 3 – Frozen Hot Chocolate, Yummy!

Serendipity 3 is a restaurant that is located in New York city. The main attraction seems to be their desserts. There is quite a history behind the start of this restaurant. If you visit their website, you can read all about it under their History link. The name Serendipity was a name that was founded by the original owner long time ago in 1954. It was a more common word during that time. The word was discovered from doing a crossword puzzle. Their were originally 3 owners who put $300 collectively to open their first restaurant in the basement of a tenement. It began as a coffee boutique with only 4 tables. Before long, the lines outside the boutique were enormous, then the Serendipity 3 learned how to cook and the restaurant grew and grew.

The Serendipity 3 Frozen Hot Chocolate is one of the many desserts that is offered at the restaurant. Under their menu it is listed as a frozen drink. There are many different items to choose from on the menu. They have Appetizers, which they call, “Beginnings” on their menu along with, Soups, Salads, Casseroles, Entrees, Pastas, Hamburgers, Sandwiches, many different types of coffees and expressos and then comes their famous dessert menu. This menu list all of their desserts under three different categories; Frozen drinks, Sweets and Drugstore Sundaes. Under their Frozen Drink section, the two that sound the most interesting to me are the Frozen Hot Chocolate and the Frozen Pineapple Lime.

These are drinks that you would just have to experience to understand. Under the item listed as “Sweets” they seem to have more traditional type desserts, apple pie, fruit cup, chocolate cake and many more. Under the Sundae section, the customer can basically pick from any type of sundae that they want. They offer many different combinations. The most interesting thing that I saw on their online menu is an item called, Guinness World Record; Golden Opulence Sundae for $1,000. That is an awful lot of money for a dessert, but it must be priced like that because of the Guinness World Record. Under the title of the dessert it says that reservations are required 48 hours in advance. This one really has me curious. If I had that type of money to spend on dessert, I would definately go just to see what this was. It must be pretty amazing.

See also  Serendipity 3: The Frrrozen Hot Chocolate

I always love going to restaurants that have a variety of food to order from and one that also has special, unique foods that they created. Serendipity 3 definately seems like that type of place. They have so many items to pick from and everything seems so original, especially the desserts. From looking at the online menu, they are not too highly priced, except for the $1,000 dessert.
