New Study Links Red Meat to Pancreatic Cancer

COMMENTARY | My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in February of 2009. Two months later, he was gone. I never knew much about this deadly disease until we had to desperately battle it for his life. Unfortunately, we failed, as do many. Statistics give a timeline of five years, but the reports I have read, state that less then five percent make it that long. Since losing my husband, I have researched pancreatic cancer extensively, looking for answers. How could this happen in such an advanced medical age?

A study published in the British Journal of Cancer is now linking pancreatic cancer to the consumption of processed, or red, meat. The BJC report does state that the conclusion of whether eating red or processed meat increases the risk of pancreatic cancer is unclear. You can read the full report, including statistics and percentages by clicking the link.

At the time my husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the only thing the surgeon could, or would pinpoint as a possible cause was smoking. Every time I see a new report on possible causes, I compare them to my husband’s lifestyle. He was a meat and potatoes man, but did this mean all of that red meat caused the pancreatic cancer?

Back in February of 2010, I saw a news report that linked soda and sugar to pancreatic cancer. Again, I researched the studies. My husband did not drink soda, but he did love his sugar. He drank a ton of coffee, adding sugar each time, and he loved sweet tea. My article, “New Study Links Soda and Sugar to Pancreatic Cancer” has the study links and statistics in it.

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Unfortunately, even though study after study is done on pancreatic cancer, there is still very little known about its cause, or successful ways to treat it. Survival rate of pancreatic cancer is very low mostly due to the fact that it is described by doctors as “the silent killer.” In my husband’s case, by the time symptoms caused him to seek medical advice, it was too late.

One symptom my husband had was what he continued to call “indigestion.” He seemed to hurt worse after eating, and often asked if I was using more spices in my cooking. He also seemed tired, but attributed that to working long hours, as he had always done. I continue to second guess and wonder what we could have done differently, or how we could have known it was so serious. I still have no answers, but I continue to research.

Pancreatic cancer is such a deadly disease that a bill was introduced back 2009 called “HR 745: The Pancreatic Cancer and Research and Education Act of 2009.” The bill was introduced in January 2009 by Representative Brown-Waite of Florida and Representative Eshoo from California. To date, this bill, now named, S. 3320, is still trying to make its way through the governmental process.

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