Neopets Kadoatery: Getting that Mysterious Avatar!

Every once in a while Neopets introduces yet another way to suck the NP (neopoints) out of Neopians pockets. If it isn’t doing Employment Agency Jobs or Faerie Quests, it’s trying to complete Jhudora and Illusen’s ventures. Now they introduce “The Kadoatery”, a little place where sad Kadoaties are just waiting for someone to feed them – but this task doesn’t come easy nor, in most cases, is it inexpensive. I’ve been trying to get one of these for a while now and have basically given up on it; while it would be nice to get a trophy or even the avatar this simple fact of the matter is this – some people have fed over 50 cats and haven’t gotten the avatar. I’m not sinking my NP into something until I know when you get the avatar and if it is some ridiculous number then hey, I can live with out it.

There is no set time as to when new Kadoaties are added to the pound so you will have to sit there and refresh the page over and over to try and get one that hasn’t been fed. That is just half the battle; the other half is having the food it wants on hand and in your inventory. Unless it is an unbuyable item you don’t stand a chance of going in to your SDB (safety deposit box) to get it then feed it to the pet. This is where the people who have been at the page a while have a real advantage. Even if they miss out on one of the restock, they are seeing what is being asked for … unfair to those with a slow speed connection as well as those who don’t have millions of NP at their disposal.

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You can get to The Kadoatery by cutting and pasting this link:

For the latest gossip and avatar conspiracy theories, visit the Avatars & NeoSignatures NeoBoard here:

The Big Problem

The biggest complaint that people are having in regards to the quest for the avatar is this – people with high speed connections have a better chance of getting the cats – essentially feeding two or three of them each time it restocking with hungry little Kadoaties. This is extremely unfair for those who have a dial up connection and really puzzles me – if Neopets is going to put a five second hold on you when you are restocking from the shops and limit the number of quests you can do as well as Employment Agency Jobs – why not put a five cat limit per person per day?

Now, if that weren’t bad enough you also have this mysterious avatar to wonder about. When do you get it? Is it a random event? Do you have to feed a certain colored cat? This is a lot like the Monotony avatar that came out – people had no idea how to get it so all kinds of theories started flying around. It wasn’t until a week or so later that people actually started getting it from the Wheel of Monotony – so I can see this following the same pat. Neopets sitting on it for a while to keep people guessing then releasing it after you feed a certain amount. This in itself is the funniest part because people who have wasted millions of NP on this little event will be extremely sore about it – just think of how mad you would be if you wasted millions of points to get an avatar and when some newbie gets it as a random event or after feeding one something that cost a few hundred NP.

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Some Common Items

I’ve been sitting back and watching the restocks – even with my “fast as lightening” connection I still can’t get to them quick enough to snag them before others do. So, I started to cut and paste the items that were being requested. This way I can have them in my inventory and won’t have to search for them in my Safety Deposit Box or on The Shop Wizard. This is a list that I will add to when I see common ones come up – it might help, it might not but it sure has to be better than sitting there getting frustrated.

Cybunny Day Canape (unbuyable)
Blurf (unbuyable)
Celery (700 – 900)
Snot Wrap (under 800)
Chocolate Coated Flies (400 – 500)
Heavenly Roast Turkey (2,000 – 3,000)
Cone-Shaped Strawberry (unbuyable)
Baked Intesteen (3,500 – 4,500)
Spotted Chocolate Jetsam Sandwich (500 – 800)
Soup Faerie Mushroom (unbuyable)
Radish and Cheese (unbuyable)
Purple Picnic Hamper (unbuyable)
Meat Lasagna (800 – 1,200)
Fyora Day Sandwich (14,000 – 18,000)
Green Grapes (130 – 200)
Brain Hot Dog (2,500 – 3,000)


Veggie Faerie Burger
Tomato Shoyru Meatball (1,000)
Elephante Salad (1,000 – 1,500)
Chocolate Brucicle (1,000 – 1,800)
Solid Stone Pizza (2,000 – 3,000)
Crunchy Kacheek Cereal (500 – 600)
Flotsam Kelp Shake (600 – 800)
Cactopus (600 – 800)
Gurney Fruit (1,000 – 1,500)
Strawberry Fruit Pancakes
Green Tea

Myncibean Punch (unbuyable)
Intestines and Marinara (1,000 – 1,300)
Kiwi Cookies (2,000 – 2,300)
Pumpkin Ice Cream
Glass Negg

== Please note == These prices could change in a matter of minutes depending on the demand of a specific type of food. If on every refresh it is asking for a certain type of food people are going to stock up on it and either use it to feed a cat or jack the prices up sky high to make a profit.

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So What Can Neopets Do?

1. Limit the number of pets a person can feed a day. This will give everyone a chance to get a trophy or at least a shot at the avatar. Other events at the site are limited so why not this?

2. Don’t disclose what the pet wants – make it a real challenge. If you have twenty cats on the page and you click on one you will have no idea what it wants to eat but you will be given a certain amount of time to get it. Of course this means that there is a chance you will get something that you can’t afford but hey, at least it stops people from hording items that are being requested then jacking up the prices on them.

3. Have the item list expanded to include things other than food. This is done in the Employment Agency and helps to balance out things that are oversaturated at the site. Sort of like it’s own checks and balance system.