NCAA Hockey Jerseys

Finding a website selling college hockey jerseys online was my goal. I checked and cross-checked. I faced off with Google, skated around the net, and finally scored a few good shots. If you’re looking for NCAA hockey jerseys, there are only a handful of decent websites out there, with most of the results turning up useless directory pages full of spammed links.

It’s much easier much easier to find NHL jerseys than to find NCAA hockey jerseys, it seems. Compared to football and basketball, hockey is more of a niche sport when it comes to apparel. But don’t tell that to crazy fans of the Fighting Sioux of North Dakota or the Badgers of Wisconsin! Whether you’re looking for yourself or buying a gift for an NCAA hockey fan, here’s where to buy college hockey jerseys online.


Without a doubt, this is the best site for traditional college hockey jerseys. It took quite some time to find it, though, as conventional searches did not yield the site. It wasn’t until I searched for gear for a particular team that I began to get hits for Despite the fact that they’re hat-trickier to find than their competition, this company has the most extensive selection of college jerseys I could locate: 37 different universities. In fact, I couldn’t think of an NCAA hockey team they didn’t have, as all of the major conferences were represented: WCHA, CCHA, Hockey East, etc. I must praise the website for its ease of navigation and searchability. They specialize in hockey jerseys, so this is clearly their bread and butter – even if you want a jersey from, say, Michigan Tech, Colgate, or even Mankato. Prices are between $100 and $120. The only downside? They don’t appear to personalize NCAA hockey jerseys.

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This is probably the second-best website selling college hockey jerseys online. The navigation is not as clear as that of Koronis Jerseys, and their selection is not as comprehensive. However, does offer personalization of their NCAA hockey jerseys. For an extra $75, you can see your name (up to 12 letters) and your number grace the apparel. Their simulation feature allows you to preview personalized jerseys, and I played with this little toy for a little while, creating humorous jerseys and emailing screen shots to friends. I was easily able to locate jerseys for some big university teams (Maine, Michigan, Penn State, etc.), but the NCAA link doesn’t appear to showcase their entire selection of college jerseys. As I browsed on, I found “hidden” jerseys for Boston College and a number of other schools that didn’t show up in the expected places – not the best marketing methodology. Prices were pretty consistent at around $99 (before personalization). In short, this is a great place to get a personalized jersey, though your wallet will suffer a penalty and the selection is, at best, offsides.


NCAA hockey jerseys are a little harder to find here because the site is not exclusively devoted to ice rink merchandise. The selection is hit-or-miss, with only a handful of top college hockey teams available. I found a Minnesota Gophers jersey with no problem, but good luck tracking down something for Clarkson or Alabama-Huntsville. The fastest way to check the inventory is probably to use the individual school drop-down menu and then check the specific inventory.

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This is another website with a limited selection. In fact, all I could find was Minnesota and Saint Cloud State. That’s great if you’re from the Gopher State, but what about everyone else? The good news was that these jerseys were priced a bit lower than elsewhere, making this store worth a visit just in case they beef up their inventory anytime soon.

The following sites frequently appeared when I searched for college hockey jerseys, but none of them (as of February 2006) carried any NCAA team gear in their inventory:
· – I looked here just in case they sold college gear… but they don’t.

As a final thought, individual university bookstores are also worth visiting. Often, they will carry a few styles of hockey jerseys for their school, but the prices are higher, on average.