Natural Tips to Help Dog Constipation

During the house breaking period of your pets life, constipation is probably not very high on your priority list. It probably seems as though they never stop pooping somewhere. Dogs will get constipated. If your dog has not had a bowel movement in two days, they are constipated.

There are several reason that a dog will become constipated. They are basically the same things that make humans constipated. Not enough exercise, poor diet, not enough fiber in the diet and not being let out or taken out often enough will do it for dogs. All of these things can be avoided with a little care.

Your treatment for occasional episodes are quite simple.

Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise to loosen the stool and prompt elimination.
Let your dog out more often to give him/her the opportunity.
Put your dog on a natural diet that includes fresh vegetables. This will provide bulk and ease elimination.
Raw meat can be a great aid as a laxative.
If your dogs stool looks too dry, add a small amount of bran to their food. Depending on your dogs size the quantity should be between ½ tsp and 2 TBSP.
The same amount of mineral oil can be added if the constipation has been prolonged.
Oat bran, flax seed and psyllium will add much needed fiber to your dogs diet.
If the problem appears to be a chronic one, you should consult your veterinarian for treatment. Your vet can diagnose many potential underlying causes. It may be as simple as dehydration or as complex as kidney disease. These are things that your vet will have to diagnose and treat.

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There are natural herbal supplements available for your dog. They will promote a healthy thyroid, maintain normal cholesterol and help to keep the bones and skin healthy. All of these benefits as well as generating adequate bowel movements.

Some digestive supporting products will also help to promote good health in the mucous membrane of the digestive tract as well as maintaining healthy functioning of the system. With these improvements in digestion you will probably notice an boost in your pets energy levels as well. With a healthy digestive system, the dogs food will be digested much more efficiently than it would with a diet lacking in fiber and consequently bulk.

Water is essential. If you are away from home for long periods, be sure your dog has an adequate water supply. This is true whether they are kept indoors or outdoors. If outdoors a container that may help keep dirt out is essential. It is also important for the water to be kept in the shade. Hot water is not a good possibility for your pet.

Other conditions can cause dog constipation. Things such as aluminum poisoning, some minor blockage or tumors within the digestive system or surrounding organs can also be the culprit. These are things that must be diagnosed by your vet. It is not wise to try to treat these issues without professional help.