Natural Sleep Aids for Babies

As a mother of 3 children, I’ve had more than my fair share of sleepless nights. I was lucky enough that my first child slept through the night almost from the moment we brought him home from the hospital. I was lulled into a false sense of confidence that I was “super mom of the millennium”. But when my daughter was born, all my confidence flew right out the window as she struggled to sleep. We began searching intently for sleep aids that are safe and natural for babies.

Initially, the search yielded little results. We googled “Natural Sleep Aids for Babies” and found mostly gibberish. We asked our pediatrician, but he was hesitant to recommend any products for fear of the liability he might incur. And after several months of nearly pulling my hair out, sweet relief was found! Read on to learn about the products that turned our sleepless nights into heavenly mornings.

Triple Complex Sleep Tonic

That’s a mouthful! I’ve thought about suggesting a revision of the name to the manufacturer – Heavenly All-Natural Sleep Aid for Babies! A friend of mine suggested I try this sleep aid when I was going through my “baby won’t sleep through the night and I’m getting crabbier every day” schpiel. Surprisingly, I slept well my first night of taking the tablets. But what was more amazing to me – this is safe for babies and for children!

A homeopathic product, there are no artificial flavors, colorants, or preservatives. It is completely safe for the human body (including infants) and has no side effects, whatsoever. This baby safe, all-natural sleep aid relaxes mild tension and increases drowsiness, balances hormones involved in sleep patterns, restores rejuvenation through restful sleep, and maintains routine balance of cell salts in the body.

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Active ingredients of the formula are: Calcium Sulphate D6, Magnesium Phosphate D6, and Calcium Phosphate D6. Each of these is a tissue salt that through easy depletion can cause sleeplessness. Once restored to proper levels, wellbeing and regular sleep patterns automatically follow.

Directions for use: For babies, crush 1-2 tables and sprinkle on the tongue. It can also be mixed in a little bit of warm water and dropped in with a syringe.


Believe it or not, lavender is one of the safest aids in helping a baby sleep. Not only is it a natural sleep aid, it is powerful and convenient! Lavender comes in many of the products you can buy at a department store, such as lotion, shampoo, baby wash, etc. It isn’t a fluke it’s been included, and I recommend that you try the products that you think your baby might enjoy. An evening bath with lavender oil in the tub will work wonders!

Additionally, lavender as an essential oil is well-worth your investment. Use it topically as a muscle relaxing massage oil. Rubbing it into your baby’s feet will help it absorb almost immediately and you will be surprised at how quickly your baby calms. Place a few drops in a vaporizer in your baby’s room at bedtime, and let the aromatherapy soothe him/her. And once your baby is taking a bottle, replace the water and juice with a mild version of lavender tea.

My daughter particularly enjoyed having her feet rubbed with the lavender oil, and grew to relish her “lavender tea” bottle each evening. What a sophisticated (and natural!) sleep aid for babies!

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Do not be afraid to use this gentle, healing herb on your baby! I made the mistake of overlooking this powerful option before I ever gave it a chance. Providing a sedative effect for upset babies, chamomile is a must for your own sanity.

Chamomile oil has anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and antispasmodic effects when taken internally. Many of the causes of sleeplessness and irritability in babies can be relieved by drinking chamomile tea regularly. The versatile tea soothes intestinal difficulties. As with the lavender, replace juice or water with chamomile tea.

Just as the effects of chamomile are soothing internally, it is also a great choice for caring for sensitive skin of an infant. Pour a few drops of the essential oil into a bath. Conditions such as diaper rash and eczema are soothed instantly by soaking in chamomile. Because of chamomile’s great calming effect, it serves as an excellent natural sleep aid for babies.

My babies have finally reached the age where they can verbalize what is bothering them if they can’t sleep, but these three products helped me survive. If you’re looking for natural sleep aids for your precious baby – get down to your local health store and purchase these three items immediately!