Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

Natural remedies for hot flashes are becoming more popular due to the increased risk of breast and endometrial cancer that researchers say can occur with the use of hormone replacement therapy. Natural remedies can significantly decrease hot flashes and night sweats, most without side effects or adverse reactions.

As a woman who experienced surgical menopause due to a total hysterectomy which included the removal of my
ovaries, I know only too well how disruptive hot flashes can be in a woman’s life. At first the thought I should take hormone replacement therapy just for a short time, because the hot flashes were unbearable. However, after exploring the options with my doctor, we settled upon natural remedies for hot flashes. Even though my hot flashes can, at times seem relentless, I made the decision not to take hormone replacement therapy. Almost immediately after my hysterectomy, which was my treatment of choice due to heavy bleeding, I was confronted with almost constant hot flashes. When your ovaries are removed, you go into an abrupt menopause. You do not have the luxury of gradually entering into the menopause. Some natural remedies can mimic the benefits of the hormone estrogen, without the ominous side effects.

One of the most popular natural remedies for hot flashes is the use of black cohosh. Black cohosh is believed to work on hot flashes because it contains chemical properties that have estrogen similar properties. These chemical substances are called phytoestrogens. Remember, as a woman goes through menopause, estrogen production is decreasing and when the ovaries are removed, estrogen production is cut off abruptly. Adequate amounts of circulating estrogen is an important component of hot flash development. Natural remedies for hot flashes also include isoflavones which is another type of phytoestrogen. Again, these natural remedies for hot flashes can be very effective because they have an estrogen like effect. Soy is a very popular natural remedy for hot flashes. It is also known as a phytoestrgen. It is said that women from certain cultures and backgrounds have a lower incidence of hot flashes due to their high dietary intake of soy products.

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Since phytoestrogens are weak hormones that are found in many plants, they are readily available in beans, grains, nuts, oils, berries and vegetables. Natural remedies for hot flashes can also be taken in supplement form.

Other phytoestrogens that are used as natural remedies for hot flashes are red clover, gingko biloba and dong quai. Natural remedies for hot flashes can cause side effects or adverse reactions since they contain weak estrogen like substances. They can cause vaginal bleeding, thickening of the uterine lining, weight gain and even promote some cancers.

Other simple remedies for hot flashes include dressing in layers, staying well hydrated, limiting your intake of spicy foods, trying to avoid stress, getting adequate amounts of exercise, getting enough rest and sleep and eating a healthy diet.

Choosing the natural remedies for hot flashes that are right for you should begin with your doctor or healthcare provider. Discussing the pros and cons of each will make it easier for you to decide which treatments are best for you.

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