Natural Relief from Chronic Vertigo

Thousands of people every day in America suffer from chronic vertigo. It is so disrupting and uncomfortable it can seriously hinder regular daily activities as well as the general enjoyment of life itself. While there are any number of prescription medications available from your doctor, they can be expensive and at best not 100% effect. Of course, if you are a chronic sufferer, you should see your doctor immediately, but also be aware that there are 100% natural methods that can provide relief by themselves, or as an excellent supplement to your professional care.

Vertigo is a combination of symptoms that causes disorientation and dizziness. It can be accompanied by light-headedness, and faintness of consciousness. Feelings of sinking and falling are commonly associated with this illness.

There are a number of factors that may cause vertigo. Most commonly, it is an inner-ear problem where the body’s sense of balance is regulated. However, high or low blood pressure may also be a cause. Other conditions that may cause vertigo are poor circulation infections, anemia, and deficiencies in nutrients.

The first way to deal with vertigo is to make sure you are receiving the proper nutrition. There are several vitamins that are important in helping to maintain and prevent vertigo. It is recommended that the following vitamins and dosages be received daily: Niacin (B3)-100 mg/3xday, Bcomplex-200 mg, C-5,000 mg, E-500 IU, Calcium-1500 mg, Magnesium-750 mg, and one well-balanced multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. Besides vitamins, it is also helpful to take Brewer’s Yeast in very small dosages, Germanium-100 mg, and Kelp.

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Another popular method of vertigo relief is a homemade paste that is added to milk and drank daily in the morning. The paste is made of 2 tablespoons wheat grain, 1 tsp poppy seed, 8 crushed almonds, 8 water melon seeds, 2 crushed cloves fried in ghee or butter.

An few alternative recipes are (1) 1 teaspoon alma powder and 1 teaspoon coriander seeds soaked overnight, strained and drank in the morning with ½ teaspoon of sugar.

Complementing regular medicine with herbal supplements can be very effective. For vertigo, use ginkgo biloba. It provides a great boost in blood circulation. 160 mg per day is an adequate dosage. Feverfew can help balance inner-ear problems. Vinpocetine, the extract of periwinkle is known to improved oxygen availability in the brain.

One odd form of relief from vertigo works when it is caused by a build-up of pressure in the inner-ear. Light a cigarette and stick the butt just inside the ear. This works best with filtered cigarettes. Be careful to not burn your hair. The burning tip creates an unequal air pressure that will draw air out of the ear and can relieve symptoms of vertigo.

By following these all-natural methods and/or supplementing your regular medicine and professional treatment, you may be able to find the relief from chronic vertigo that you have been seeking.