Natural Methods for Repelling Mosquitos

Mosquitoes have been pestering animals for thousands of years, sucking their blood and causing those itchy, unpleasant little welts. To control mosquitoes, many people opt for chemical sprays, candles and various other methods that can be costly over time, but also harmful to the environment. Fortunately, there are many natural methods for repelling mosquitoes.

Plants That Repel Mosquitos

There are actually multiple plants that aid in deterring mosquitoes. Many of these plants are also attractive, fragrant and of course, readily-available at your local flower nursery.

Catnip is one such plant that aids in deterring mosquitoes. However, it should be noted that while it does deter mosquitoes, it may also draw in neighborhood cats. So, if you choose to use catnip, be sure to proceed with caution (and perhaps, bring the plant inside after you’re done.)

After catnip, marigolds are also commonly used to help deter mosquitoes. This is because marigolds produce a strong smell which mosquitoes are not particularly fond of.

These of course, are not the only plants that help keep mosquitoes at boy. Other options including rosemary, lemon grass, chrysanthemums, ageratum, American basil, Mexican marigold, eucalyptus and of course, planting citronella grass (yes, the same grass they use to make citronella-scented candles and sprays.)

Repelling Mosquitos with Basic Yard Maintenance

Many people will swear up and down that their yard is in pristine condition and they still can’t seem to find the source of the mosquitoes. Chances are, you’ve missed something, somewhere, that is giving the mosquitoes a breeding ground (or, maybe it’s in your neighbor’s yard.) The truth is, even a teeny, tiny source of water can cause a small population of mosquitoes to arise.

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That being said, it’s important to keep your yard well maintained throughout mosquito season. Mosquitoes can thrive in places you may not have thought of, including places such as your rain gutters (so be sure to clean those out frequently throughout the season.) Also, be sure to do a thorough inspection of your yard both front, back and side to side. Dump out every object that is holding any standing water (empty flower pots, children’s toys and even cigarette trays.)

If you have areas where you intentionally keep water available, such as a bird bath, be sure to dump those areas on a regular basis and refill with fresh water. Ideally, this should be done daily or on an every-other-day basis; though once a week can still help make a difference.

Final Alternatives for Repelling Mosquitos

The above-mentioned tips can help you cut down on the amount of mosquitoes in your yard without ever using any chemicals. However, you can also include the use of yellow bug lights in your outdoor spaces rather than traditional fluorescent bulbs. While this is not technically “eco-friendly,” chances are, you still have an outdoor light and therefore replacing it with a yellow bug light does not alter your carbon footprint (as you were previously using the light to begin with.)

So go forth, replace your outdoor lights, plant some mosquito-repelling flowers and enjoy the great outdoors.