Natural Home Detection and Treatment for a Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections can be very painful but aren’t difficult to cure. They occur when bacteria begin to multiply inside the urethra, usually E.coli. This condition is also called urethritis. Without treatment, the bladders can become infected (cystitis) as well as the kidneys (pyelonephritis). Women are more likely to be afflicted with UTIs than men, especially when pregnant. Most urinary tract infections can be treated within a few days and will not result in any complications.

Most of the time, a UTI will cause noticeable symptoms. These include frequent urination, as well as pain and burning. Women may feel pressure above the pubic bone, and men may feel it in the rectum. Often, not much urine will come out, and what does may look cloudy or even tinged with blood. Fatigue and shakiness are common with UTIs. A fever is an indication that the kidneys have become infected, too, as is back and side pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Children may display different symptoms when infected. They may be feverish, irritable, or experience appetite changes. Incontinence and diarrhea may also be signs of a urinary tract infection. Like adults, they may feel the need to relieve themselves more frequently. Most of the time, though, they will have just a fever.

UTI is diagnosed by a urine test. This can be administered by your doctor, or you can buy a home test at a pharmacy. It will only run you about $10! If you suspect UTI, you can begin treating it naturally without a test. However, one should be done before you resort to antibiotics to be sure that you have a UTI. Overusing antibiotics can weaken your immune system.

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Urinary tract infections are best cured naturally with unsweetened cranberry juice. Drink as much cranberry juice and water as you can over the course of a few days. You can also talk cranberry capsules. If you must drink sweeteneed cranberry juice, avoid aspartame and high fructose corn syrup. Try to find something with very little sugar. Remember that sugar feeds a UTI, so you want to avoid it when treating the infection.

Uva Ursi, yarrow, wild yam and Echinacea are herbs that may be helpful in UTI treatment. While talking Uva Ursi, you should drink lots of water. Others recommend dandelion root tea mixed with nettle leaves, even apple cider vinegar. Vitamin C and garlic will both help kill off the bacteria. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and cleanser, and vitamin C makes the environment less favorable to bacteria growth.

You should not take antibiotics unless you must. This is especially true if you are pregnant, as antibiotics can weaken the baby’s teeth enamel causing severe cavities in early childhood. Antibiotics may also cause you to develop thrush, a yeast infection, which is equally uncomfortable. Antibiotics should be taken, however, if natural remedies fail after several days of attempted treatment. Your doctor may prescribe a wide spectrum antibiotic or one that specifically targets the bacteria causing your infection.

When trying to cure a UTI, make sure you pee whenever you feel the urge. Do this even if you don’t think anything will come out. This will help clean out your system. Drink lots and lots of water. And, as mentioned before, avoid sugary substances. Improved genital hygiene can help prevent the UTI from reoccurring.

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You can detect and treat a urinary tract infection without a doctor in many cases. Most of the time, cranberry juice will do the trick, and it can also help prevent UTIs. If your symptoms do not clear up within a few days or worsen, change your approach. You can either try other remedies in conjuncture with cranberry or go to the doctor. He can run a culture and prescribe you an antibiotic that should clear it up very quickly! If you suspect kidney or bladdar infection, though, don’t hesitate to go to the clinic.