Natural Cures for Heat Exhaustion

The warm days of summer are approaching fast, and with them a whole host of outdoor activities from yard work to beach volleyball to tanning at the lakeside. Summer is a fun time for most, but it can also be risky-spending too much time in the sun puts one at high risk for heat exhaustion, a condition in which the body has lost too much water to maintain a healthy temperature. Body temperature rises, which can cause many problems. Thirst, headache, dizziness, and nausea are likely symptoms of heat exhaustion. Here are some natural cures for heat exhaustion.

1. Get out of the sun and stop activity

First and foremost, one suffering heat exhaustion must stop what he is doing and get out of the sun. Continued activity and exposure to the pounding sun will only make the problem worse, further dehydrating and overheating the afflicted individual. Heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke, so it is of the utmost importance that one identifies and addresses the symptoms while there is still time to implement these natural cures for heat exhaustion. Most people would agree that this is better than hospitalization.

2. Place a cool, wet washcloth on wrists and back of neck

Placing a cool, wet washcloth on the wrists and neck will quickly cool the overheated person down. The blood is close to the skin in these locations, so the cool washcloth will lower the blood’s temperature. The cooler blood will circulate through the body, cooling the entire body and reducing the seriousness of the heat exhaustion.

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3. Bath or shower

Taking a bath or shower in cool (but not cold) water is even more effective than the cool washcloths, but it is not always as practical. A cool bath or shower can cool the entire body quickly and easily and is a very effective cure for heat exhaustion.

4. Eat some fruit

Fruits, such as watermelon and cantaloupe have high water content, so they are useful for addressing heat exhaustion problems. They also contain high concentrations of salts and other nutrients lost from dehydration, and heat exhaustion rarely occurs when one is well-hydrated. Fruit, then, is an excellent natural cure for heat exhaustion.

5. Drink water

This last point may be the most important natural cure for heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion typically occurs when the body does not have enough fluids to cool itself. Therefore, replenishing its supply of water is an excellent way to cure heat exhaustion. It ensures that the body can handle the heat of the summer day.

Whether mowing the lawn or playing tennis, one must always be careful. The sun is often pleasant, but it can cause major health problems. Stay aware of your body and watch for the signs. Heat exhaustion is nothing to be taken lightly, and heat stroke is far worse.

The Doctors Book of Home Remedies Heat Exhaustion.” – Natural Health, Wellness and Beauty Products, plus the largest natural health library on the web – since 1995. 27 May 2009>.

HEAT EXHAUSTION – SAFE NATURAL CURES, More Than Home Remedies.” LACE TO LEATHER, Freebies, Victorian Decorating/Restoration, Dog Care, Natural Cures, eBay Secrets. 27 May 2009 .