Natural Anxiety Relief for Dogs

Dogs do get anxious. Like people, they need ways to find relief for anxiety. And like people there are various ways to find relief. Here are some natural methods which can help relieve anxiety in your dog. You should always check with your veterinarian before starting any type of therapy.

Herbs and Grains

Chamomile helps reduce anxiety and can help a dog to sleep. The oats in oatmeal can help to calm a dog and be part of their healthy diet. Valerian and St. John’s Wart reduce tension and anxiety as well. Chamomile, Valerian and St. John’s Wart is found in health food stores and larger pharmacies. Don’t use herbs found in the grocery stores because these are usually diluted to reduce costs but also reduce effectiveness. Don’t use quick oats or instant oatmeal when looking for anxiety relief for your dog. Use real oats found in food such as Quaker Oats. This way you keep the natural original nutrients.


Green tea contains non-protein amino acids which help dogs and people relax. Brewer’s yeast has thiamine, vitamin B, minerals and protean. You can find pure green tea and brewer’s yeast at health food stores and online sites. Green tea should be given at room temperature so that it won’t burn your dogs mouth. Only give about a teaspoon of either mixed with your dog’s food. Some people suggest that you can give brewer’s yeast with garlic, but I would use very small amounts of garlic; if you have cats in the house, do not use the garlic as cats can be harmed by it.

See also  Natural (and Fun!) Ways to Relieve Anxiety

Essential Oils

Lavender is known for being calming oil for pets. Other essential oils can also work when placed on a cotton ball in dog bedding or on a bandanna. You can get mixtures of essential oils. Dilute the oil with a solid oil such as sunflower or cod oil and only use up to 5ml for a dose as it can overpower and not be as effective. Don’t use essential oils for long term anxiety relief for dogs. Flowers and plants are used. Essences of certain flowers are found at health food stores and are placed by drops into the water bowl.

Simple Solutions

If you are looking for anxiety relief for your dog, try figuring out what is making them anxious. Many times, it is a sudden change in routines, places, or emotions of the owners. Other causes can be fleas or dry skin. If your dog is constantly yawning, this is a sign of anxiety, not tiredness. Try calming the dog with soothing words and attention. This actually does work, similar to young children. If you must go away for a period of time, turn on the television or radio so that there is sound in the house. This helps the dog not to feel so alone. If these solutions don’t seem to be working, it is possible you will need to consult a veterinarian for other options.