NASA’s Mars Explorer Shows Possible Evidence of Alien Life

Does Bigfoot have a distant cousin living on Mars? According to the London Daily Mail, four-year-old images sent by Spirit, one of the Mars explorers constructed by NASA, contain a blurry image that could be a humanoid walking across the planet’s surface.

Scientists have been looking for signs of intelligent life in outer space for countless years, so many people obviously are excited about finding this image on the photographs. Does this mean that all the expensive equipment that NASA sent to Mars is in the bedroom of some Martian Child or currently for sale on an intergalactic version of EBAY?

It’s a sign of human arrogance to think that Earthlings are the only intelligent form of life in the universe, but sometimes we look a little too hard for indications that ET actually exists:

Signs of Extraterrestrial Life: John Glenn’s Fireflies

While circling the world in Friendship 7, Mercury Astronaut John Glenn thought he was having a close encounter. The first American astronaut to orbit the Earth, Glenn noticed brilliantly illuminated particles surrounding his space capsule, which he referred to as “fireflies”.

During an interview with “Life” magazine, which had an exclusive contract with the original 7 Mercury astronauts at that time, Glenn is quoted as saying “There, spread out as far as I could see were literally thousands of tiny luminous objects that glowed in the black sky like fireflies. I was riding slowly through them, and the sensation was like walking backwards through a pasture where someone had waved a wand and made all the fireflies stop right where they were and glow steadily.”

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Instead of an extraterrestrial life form, however, astronaut Scott Carpenter, on a follow-up Mercury mission, discovered that they were simply ice particles.

Source:, “John Glenn’s life”

Signs of Extraterrestrial Life: The Martian Meteorites reports that in 1996, researchers from NASA and Stanford University believed that meteorites found in Antarctica contained microscopic evidence that life once existed on the Red Planet. Though their results were published, some experts doubt the validity of their findings.

Source:, “Exclusive: NASA Researchers Claim Evidence of Present Life on Mars,” Brian Berger

Signs of Extraterrestrial Life: “Chariots of the Gods”

When I was about 12 years old, a book called “Chariots of the Gods” by Erich von Daniken had everybody considering the possibility that something really was out there. Von Daniken proposed the theory that many ancient civilizations seemed so advanced because they had been visited by alien astronauts.

Most of Von Daniken’s theories are based on speculation instead of hard fact, but they made for interesting reading and had most of my grade school friends convinced that aliens were real.

Source: “The Skeptic’s Dictionary”

Additional Resource: The London Daily Mail, “Crikey! There’s a Little Green Man on Mars”