Narrative Procedure Lesson Plan – ESL

Teacher – Stacey Cain
ESL Level – Beginner
Unit Of Study – Narrative Procedure
Behavioral Objective – The students will be able to listen and follow steps in a Narrative Procedure.
Aim – What is a Narrative Procedure?
Motivation – On the baord I will place two different Narrative Procedures. One will be how to brush your teeth. The other will be how to make a salad. I will use picture cards and have the steps written out. I will ask the class to guess the last step in each procedure.
1. First take your toothbrush.
2. Then squeeze your toothpaste.
3. Next spread your toothpaste on your toothbrush.
4. Finally you can brush your teeth.

1. First break up your lettuce.
2. Then cut up your tomato.
3. Next slice your cucumber.
4. Finally mix and eat your salad.

*** (Watch for allergies while working with food)

Procedure –
1. First I will do my motivational activity.
2. We will discuss the activity.
3. I will have two students as helpers.
4. The class will watch the helpers and I demonstrate how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
5. We will discuss the steps. The students will write them intheir books. First spread your peanut butter onto the bread. Then spread your jelly onto the bread. Next put the pieces of your bread together. Finally eat your sandwich. Enjoy!
6. We will come up with a list of vocabulary words for the lesson.
7. I will write them on the board and the students will copy them.
8. I will pair the students up in two.
9. I will explain that one student will give the directions while the other student will follow the directions.
10. I will explain that they will be making a party mix.
11. I will pass out little baggies of different types of chips. (Doritos, pretzels, potato chips, etc…)
12. I will pass out plastic bowls.
13. They will start the activity.
14. I will be walking around to make sure that one student is giving the directions and the other student is following them.
15. After they have made their party mix they will write down the steps involved.
16. When the activity is finished the class will share their procedures.
17. I will collect the baggies and each group may eat their party mix.
18. Each procedure will look different but end up with the same party mix.
19. I will ask the class to summarize what they have learned in the lesson.

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Vocabulary –
peanut butter

Materials – picture cards, bags, assortment of chips, plastic bowls, peanut butter, jelly, bread

Homework – Each student will have to come up with their own Narrative Procedure. They will write down the steps involved.

Follow-up – The students will bring in their own Narrative Procedures from the homework the night before and bring in the materials to demonstrate their procedure.

Evaluation – On the baord I will write the beginning steps of a procedure and the students will have to tell me what I am making or doing.

Standards We Are Approaching:
ELA Standard 1 – The students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding. They will be using diagrams, following and giving directions, and following a procedure.
1. Read – The students will read the steps involved in a procedure.
2. Write – The students will write down the steps in their own procedure.
3. Lisen – The students will follow directions in a procedure.
4. Speak – The students will explain the steps in a procedure.