My Time in the Marine Corps Was the Best 10 Years of My Life

The greatest professional moment of my life was when I became a Marine. Each moment to follow was met with a “greatest” moment statement by me, but it wasn’t because I didn’t understand greatness, it’s just that being a Marine is greatness overall.

I had no intention of being a Marine. I did choose to join the military to ease the tug on my father’s velcro-shut wallet, but I had every intention of joining the Navy and floating around aimlessly for 4 years. My older brother, he of an 8th grade education, was out with friends when he came across a Navy & Marine Corps recruiting station. He stopped by the first office and told the gentleman inside that his brother (me) wanted to join the Navy. When told that he was representing the Marine Corps, my brother had no idea what the difference was, and gave the recruiter my phone number.

A year later I found myself in Marine Corps Boot Camp, Parris Island, South Carolina. In those three months I missed my family dearly, but the change in me was permanent, I became a United States Marine.

My time in the Corps was very rewarding. I was not a stellar Marine by any means in my first year. It took the constant “nagging” of my peers, but eventually I would get it. I was never a confident person, but within a year of being a Marine something clicked. I finally realized something that helped me excel…

I am already a success, I am a US Marine. The only things stopping me from being more successful were the limitations I put on myself. I am a Marine by God! I am by definition awesome!

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I took the positive and negative words thrown my way while growing up. I wasn’t a popular kid in school, but the Marine Corps did not care about popularity. Being popular did not translate into success, it translated into a false sense of accomplishment. I took the negatives and used them to fuel my burning desire to be the best Marine I could be. I took the positives and used them to remind myself that someone out there relied on me, and I could not, would not disappoint them.

Once a follower I became a leader. Once a timid child I became confident man. These were not attributes that I had always possessed, they were attributes instilled in me by the confidence of my peers and superiors alike. I stood with dignitaries and Presidents. I stood with celebrities and diplomats. I stood with many people, and I remember how easily none of it could have been. I take nothing for granted.

I served twice in Iraq and each time I came back with my mind and body both exhausted. I served with my brothers and sisters in the Corps, Navy and Army, and each time I saw the love we have for each other translated into blood, sweat and tears shed for one another. After my second tour of combat I decided it was time for me to hangup the boots, that it was time for me to move on.

I have been out of the Marine Corps for 6 years now and my success as a Marine translated into success as a civilian. I learned that the Corps was not the only reason why I became successful, but it was the biggest reason. The Marine Corps will take you and wring out all the weakness and negativity, but it will also inject you with Honor, Courage and Commitment, our core values.

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To be a US Marine was the greatest honor that I have ever held. To this day I consider myself a Marine because “Once a Marine, always a Marine.” The Marine Corps is a force in itself…

And the force is strong within me.