My Personal View on Abortion, Like it or Not

This is not telling people what to do; this is just simply an honest opinion of mine. I am Pro-life with certain exceptions. I believe that the moment a baby is conceived it is a living thing. I feel very strongly about this because of the medical background I have. I believe that if you have sex, unprotected that is, it is your responsibility to ensure that a baby is not made. Accidents do happen, but it is still your responsibility to do what is right. I happen to be one of those people that will probably not be able to have children without a miracle happening. This is due to the fact that my husband might possibly be sterile due to chemotherapy and radiation when he was little due to Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

I do not think abortion should be used as a manner of birth control. That is my main point. Many people will go procreate and never even consider the chance or possibility that they may become pregnant. There are many people who say that it was an accident, well an accident could have been prevented through oral birth control, keeping your pants on, or a condom. Hello people! It is your responsibility to do the right thing and get that child a decent life. Many people argue that it is the mother’s choice, but I don’t think it is her right to be the only one with a say in the fate of this child. First of all it takes two to tango. A father should have just as much right to the unborn fetus. Who’s right is it to determine that a child should die? God, plain and simple, God is the only one who has that right. I have heard of many women running out and taking the morning after pill, this is not right either. If you know you’re doing something wrong, don’t do it and face the consequences.

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One circumstance that I think abortion is an option is when either the baby, and/or mother have a high risk of dying during the birth. It is not right to force a mother to go throughout a whole pregnancy, only in the end to discover that the child never had a chance to even live. That is more heartbreaking than, just going out and having an abortion. The next circumstance is if the woman was raped. First of all I will mention that this is not the woman’s fault and they should not be reminded constantly of the hurtful thing that this person did. All it will do is have a detrimental affect on both the child and her. How would you feel if you were raped and got pregnant and then were told that you have to carry this baby for nine months? Some women would accept the baby as a gift of God, and others might see it as a punishment.

I fully believe that the father of this unborn baby should be consulted with. It is not the right of the mother to say, “No, it’s my choice.” The father has just as many rights to the unborn child as the mother. I believe that if it takes the father fighting with everything he’s got, then that’s what he should do. How is it right for one person to decide, when it took two to create this baby in the first place? Tell me that. Yes, she will have to carry the baby for nine months, but after that she does not have to have any part in that child’s life if she does not want to.

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Why is adoption not an option? Yes you are giving the baby to people that are strangers, but you are also giving that baby a good opportunity for a better life. This better life is at least a life. What are you doing when you have an abortion? Not giving this baby, this living person, a chance in hell. How is that right? When is it ever right to take away someone’s life? Never, it is not your’s or anyone else’s place to say “boom, your dead”. God is the only person that determines life and death, not you at the innocence of another human being.