My Online College Speech Course

Last semester I was enrolled in a speech course at my college. I dreaded the course from the time I registered for it but I thought I might as well go ahead and knock it out since it is required in order for me to get my degree. So much for that class, after just the first day I let my anxieties get the best of me and dropped the class, knowing that I would still have to take it at a later time. Well while browsing through the summer course catalog I saw a speech course that was offered online. Naturally this surprised me since for a speech course you obviously have to present speeches in front of the class. I logged on to my school’s website to read more about the course. There would be 3 mandatory in class sessions in which we would have to present our speeches. I figured 3 speeches was something I could handle so I went ahead and registered for the class.

In addition to not having to be in class twice a week for a 17 week semester, the online course gives me the convenience to do other things without having to work traveling down to my school into my schedule. And the beauty of it is that summer courses are only 8 weeks, more than half of what spring and fall semester courses are. All of our written homework assignments and quizzes are submitted online through a program called Blackboard. We have a discussion forum where we can interact with fellow classmates and the professor. Email is the preferred choice of communication although the professor has provided her IM screen names and telephone numbers if you need to reach her quicker.

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The first speech we had to present was a 4-5 minute speech on the career of your choice. Although we were informed that we wouldn’t be graded on eye contact for the first speech, I did not want to read off of my manuscript. Most of the class had revealed the fact that public speaking was something we were not comfortable with, which is why most of us opted for an online course instead of an in class course. The first Saturday we had to present our speeches went by smoothly. Since the class was large, the professor split it up into two sessions where the first half would arrive at one time to present and the second half would arrive later. With not as many people to speak in front of, everyone was more comfortable presenting their speeches.

Another advantage of this online course is the fact that we are required to respond to our classmates’ homework posts each week. With the constant interaction online, during the 3 times we have to see each other in class, everyone is more relaxed and open. With one speech under my belt, my feelings of nervousness have dissipated and I am actually looking forward to my final 2 speeches before the semester ends in a few weeks. I believe online classes can be more beneficial in some cases than regular classes because they allow you to work in your own setting and at your own pace. You can submit your coursework around your work schedule or anything else you may have to do. You don’t have to sit in a classroom listening to lectures which can get pretty boring. Although in college, everyone is an adult, online courses give you a broader feeling of independence.

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If I would’ve stayed in the first speech class I registered for, I doubt if I would’ve lasted the entire 17 weeks. The pressure that you felt just being in the classroom was tremendous. Dreading coming to class is not a good thing to have to deal with. I’ve already registered for two online courses for my final semester in the fall. I think online courses are great for students who work well alone, prefer a more personal setting, or those who have jobs that they are trying to schedule college courses around. You are still learning the same material and your course credits are still honored.