My Homemade Colitis Remedies for Flare-Ups

After having spent a good part of my life battling ulcerative colitis, I have discovered medications have many ill side effects. The side effects include, and are not limited to, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, headache, insomnia, puffiness, and so much more. Because of the side effects I have come to find many of my own little homemade colitis remedies for coping with flare-ups. I prefer my colitis remedies to medication any day. My remedies are much more soothing and more helpful in coping with flare-ups.

Two Bananas a Day Keeps the Flare-ups Away
I have a little ritual of eating two bananas each and every morning. I have found that by eating bananas my colitis flare-ups are minimized and much less severe. I swear by bananas. I always have bananas on hand and I prescribe myself two a day. They seem to be very gentle on my system. I’m not really sure why the bananas work, I just know they do. I started to eat bananas one day during a flare-up and noticed that the flare-up started to get better. From that day on bananas were my ally in my battle with ulcerative colitis. They seem to really have a positive effect.

Buttermilk Before Bed
Another little trick I have up my sleeve is buttermilk. It’s not my favorite thing in the world, but it does help ease the symptoms. I usually drink a small glass of buttermilk before bed most nights. I am guilty of not drinking it every night. It has helped with flare-ups since I started drinking it. I think I read somewhere long ago that buttermilk was good for the body and system so I decided to try it. I usually can’t have dairy, but I read that buttermilk was an exception. I decided to try it and it really has helped with my symptoms.

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Green Tea + Honey + Coconut Water = Soothing & Delicious
There is one other little remedy I use to prevent and help ease my flare-ups. It is a nice warm drink that just eases the pain and gently makes things feel good again. The warm drink consists of green tea mixed with honey and coconut water. The combination of these ingredients is very soothing and delicious. It tames the flare-ups and makes me feel so much better. I usually drink this and lay down until the symptoms start to subside.

These are the little homemade colitis remedies that I have discoverd. They make me feel better during a flare-up and even occassionally prevent flare-ups. These homemade colitis remedies work well for me and I swear by them. I have been using them for years and so far my flare-ups have been somewhat under control. These are just some of the steps I take to prevent and cope with my flare ups; there’s more to it than little homemade remedies. There’s a whole lifestyle change involved. These are just little things that help ease the pain in my life.