My 1986 Chevrolet Chevette – Why it was the Best Car I’ve Ever Owned!

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being 17, having your own car, $10 worth of gas in the tank, a few girl friends, and a Saturday afternoon full of sun and freedom. Every couple of years, the air will feel just right, a certain song will come on the radio, and I’m that young girl again driving in my 1986 Chevette with my whole life stretched out ahead of me.

Teenage memories can account for some of the soft spot in my heart for Chevettes, but it’s not everything. I’ve had many, many vehicles over the past 20 years. During one year of college I had 11 vehicles. Why so many? Sometimes I think I like to match the vehicle I drive to whatever phase I happen to be going through at the time, and I’m a person who has many different moods and interests. I also just like cars and have never been able to find that one vehicle that can do everything I need it to.

I’ve owned a Mustang Convertible, Dodge Durango, Volkswagon Golf TDI, Ford and Dodge Minivans, Ford 1/2 ton trucks, and many, many more vehicles. Why does the Chevette stand out above all the rest as my all time favorite car?

1. Fuel economy. You could put $10 gas in it and drive around for days. The Volkswagon Golf TDI was certainly more stingy on fuel (we drove from Nova Scotia to Orlando, Florida for $134), but can’t compare with the next point.

2. Cheap, available parts. Parts were at every junk yard and I can’t remember anything costing more than $20. Minivans are plentiful and parts are usually cheap too, depending on the year and make.

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3. Tough. My Chevette plowed through more snow and mud than I would trust any two wheel drive truck to get through. I’ve gone through many snow drifts that came up to the hood with ease.

4. Cost. I paid $200 for my 1986 Chevettte in 1992. That just sounds crazy to me now. Does this mean I’m getting old?

Now, if I could just find another car that’s as sturdy, economical, and tough as my old 1986 Chevette…..