Must Have Bride and Groom Photo Opportunities

Chances are, if you get married, your wedding will be one of the happiest and most important days of your life. But at the same time, it will probably be one of the most stressful. There are so many things to do! So many things to be planned! Catering, location, who to invite, arranging the seats – all of it can become stressful. But with this guide, you’ll have one less thing to worry about: the perfect opportunities to take some romantic photos of the happy newlyweds.

During the Ceremony

There are quite a few perfect opportunities for photographs during the wedding ceremony itself. For instance, while the ceremony is going on, you could get memorable photos of:

  • The groom standing at the altar
  • The bride coming down the aisle
  • Both of them standing at the altar together
  • The bride and groom holding hands (a special close-up of their hands would be incredibly romantic)
  • The bride and groom lighting the unity candle
  • The bride and groom saying their vows
  • The bride and groom exchanging rings
  • The bride and groom walking down the aisle together after the ceremony
  • And finally (and most importantly) their first kiss as husband and wife!

After the Wedding

After the ceremony, there are also many important opportunities to take photographs of the new husband and wife. Of course, after the ceremony there are often a few good opportunities for photographs that can be taken advantage of:

  • If the wedding took place in a church, a great idea for a photograph is the husband and wife standing in front of a stained-glass window. This can be both a very serene and romantic picture, and if taken right, it could definitely be beautiful enough to be even on the cover of the album!
  • While everyone is still there, it may also be a good idea to take photographs of the bride and groom with their families, as well as with both sets of parents, both families together, one of the couple’s family with them, etc. There can be both large pictures of everyone involved together, as well as smaller pictures with just the select few people closest to them- and the people who will probably play the largest part in their lives from that point on.
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The Reception

The reception after the wedding, whenever it may be, is also a fantastic opportunity for photographs of the newlyweds. Depending on where the reception is being held there may be special opportunities, but here are some ideas for photos that can be taken no matter where you are:

  • The bride and the groom first entering the reception hall
  • The bride and the groom at their table
  • Their first dance
  • The bride and the groom drinking from each other’s champagne glasses
  • The bride and the groom as they cut the cake together
  • The bride and the groom feeding each other cake
  • The groom removing the bride’s garter
  • The groom tossing the garter
  • The bride tossing her bouquet
  • And finally, the newlyweds driving off in their getaway car

Really, there are a lot more opportunities than just these. The main objective when taking wedding photos of the bride and groom is to get pictures of them happy and enjoying each other, and these are some of the moments that any good photographer just can’t afford to miss!