Mudd Spa Treatment Masque 5-Minute – 6 Ounces

I have always enjoyed Mint Julep Masque from Queen Helene, and when I came across a Mudd Spa Treatment 5 Minute Masque, I wanted to try it. I love facial masques, peels, and other odd gooey things I can slap on with fountain of youth promises.

The Mudd Spa Treatment Masque promised to draw dirt and oils from my pores, which as a result will leave soft smooth skin behind.

It didn’t sound like it did very much, but either way, I was willing to give it a try…besides it’s from the same people that make them comfy Mudd jeans right?

At home I blotted my face with a warm towel, like the directions said to. I then squeezed a fairly decent sized amount of hard clay textured goop out of the bottle. This masque itself was a sickly colored green, which I didn’t like very much, as it reminded me of puke, and smelled like something else. Ech!

The scent itself was a gluey one, with some sort of cool water like tone to it. I usually like cool water scents, but this one, mixed with a harsh glue scent sort of irked me.

I massaged it into my face, and figured it’d be dry in 5 minutes…you know like the stupid package said. However it seemed that 5 minutes went by, then 5 more, and 5 more… and all the while the harsh scent and masque began to burn and itch my eyes, while the rancid scent began to tickle my nose which eventually turned into a messy sneezing fit.

The masque seemed to dry in some areas, and slowly take its sweet time in other areas. I tried to wait it out, but couldn’t handle the harsh scent and burning eyes anymore, so I rinsed the masque off with a warm towel.

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1. Burning eyes

2. Irritated nose

3. Red skin

Oh yeah, and my skin was softer and cleaner after I wiped of the Mudd Spa Treatment Masque. Sort of the same results you would get if you scrubbed your skin with bleach. Ouch!!!!

The masque didn’t leave my skin feeling dry and parched though like a Mint Julep masque would do… basically this tells me that the Mudd Spa Treatment Masque would not be any good when it came to clearing acne. I didn’t test it long enough for long term results though. It’s just to stank!

Overall though, the way it itched and burned my eyes, it was not an enjoyable experience. Either this crap is way to harsh in chemicals, or I am allergic to it. I doubt I am allergic though because I have used Queen Helene for years without burning and itching eyes and red blotched skin.

For me this masque is just to harsh, and for those with sensitive skin, I wouldn’t recommend this to them at all.

Pricing and Availability:

You can find this orange tube of green goo at any local Walmart. They also try and sell this one for higher prices in higher end makeup/spa stores such as ULTA. The price will be higher there, and no it does not work any better just because it is sold in nicer places.

The price will vary from $4.00 to $6.00 depending on where you buy it.

It is my opinion though, that if you come across it, you just leave it on the counter.