Mr. Clean Power Multi-Surface Wipes – Product Review

I am a big fan of the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, so when I spotted the Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Wipes, I knew I needed to give them a try. I tend to not buy many containers of disposable cleaning wipes, as I find them expensive and I am partial to the old fashioned method of cleaning. However, with the hecticness of the season, and a coupon to boot, I was swayed to purchase Mr. Clean Multi- Surface Wipes.

Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Wipes were definitely worth the money. Not only did they effectively clean my kitchen and bathroom, they also filled my home with a fresh lemon scent. Not overwhelming, the subtle scent of Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Wipes is definitely an advantage to using this product. Not only do I want my home to be clean, I want it to smell clean too.

Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Wipes are stronger and thicker than the average disposable cleaning wipe. This makes this cleaning product suitable for the tougher cleaning jobs around the home that require a little extra elbow grease. Grease buildup on your stove? Spilled laundry detergent on top of your washing machine or dryer? Let Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Wipes tackle the job. The wipes have a texture to them, unlike most cleaning wipes that are smooth. This allows the produce to create friction and enable it break up and grab any spillage with ease. It is also extremely easy to dispense the Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Wipes. The unique lid on the container makes threading and dispensing the wipes a snap.

With cold and flu season upon us, it is essential to keep our homes as clean and bacteria free as possible. Doorknobs, telephones, keyboards and remote controls should be wiped down regularly with a disinfecting agent to reduce the amount of germs we are exposed to. In addition to our regular household chores, this can be easily neglected from time to time. Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Wipes quickly and effectively disinfects frequently used items in the home that carry germs. To clean and disinfect with Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Wipes, wipe down the surface until it is wet. The surface should remain wet for at least ten minutes to allow the product to do it’s work. A second wipe may be used if the item dries too quickly. The area must then be left to air dry. Do not use a cloth or paper towel to speed the drying process. Care should be taken when used on electronics, but if used properly, Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Wipes are perfectly safe to use on the surface of electronics.

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Mr. Clean Multi-Surface Wipes retails for $3.99 for twenty seven wipes. Although I won’t replenish my supply at my weekly trips to the grocery store, I will definitely buy this product again.