Movies College Students Must See Before Graduation

Smart students go to college with one purpose in mind: getting the best education they can, and working hard to make sure they get it. Yet every college student needs a break at some point or another, and oftentimes this break means popping a DVD into the player and relaxing with friends. As you make your way through college, you will undoubtedly encounter a wide variety of films. Here is a look at 10 (a minimum of 10, I should say) films you should try to see at least once before your four or more years of college are over. There are more than 10 films presented here, but some fall into the same categories; you may pick and choose between them, or try and see them all. As to not make a complete liar out of myself, I’ve broken it down into ten categories of films every college student should see. (Note: Each film links to its Internet Movie Database page, in case you’re looking for more information on the films before viewing them!)

First, every college student ought to see at least one Classic Comedy. In my opinion, that classic comedy should be Monty Python and the Holy Grail. This is probably one of the most-quoted films among college students. From the Knights who say Nii to those pesky French guards, this film is jam-packed with classic scenes of hilarity. Considered by many to be one of the-if not the-funniest movies of all time, it is a must-see for any college student looking for a good laugh.

Next we have the Modern Makes-You-Think movie. Among those available, Fight Club is probably the most popular among college-aged adults. This dark-comedy-meets-action-meets-drama-film offers a startling bit of social commentary on the decay of modern society through the unlikely pairing of Ed Norton’s nameless narrator and Brad Pitt’s Tyler Durden. Though definitely not for the weak-stomached or whimsical movie-goer, for the matured mind that can get beyond the violence, language, and sexual references it proves a definite conversation starter. That said, and while the film did make my own must-see list, I would also say that for those wanting to keep their minds and spirits pure, this would probably be the film to skip on this list. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

For your must-see Foreign Film, check out The Spanish Apartment, Cinema Paradiso, and/or Pan’s Labyrinth. The Spanish Apartment will definitely suit the study-abroad types out there who love the mystery and life-changing potential of journeying into another country for a semester or so. This film moves beyond the main character’s trip abroad, however; it delves into social commentaries, romance, temptation, and so much more that will leave viewers thinking. Cinema Paradiso is well-suited for film and theatre majors, or anyone whose life developed around the study of what they love most. This story tells the reflective story of a young boy whose love of film follows, enriches, and haunts him throughout his youth and adulthood. It is a beautiful tale of love, friendship, and growing up. Finally, Pan’s Labyrinth is for the more spiritually- and/or socially-minded viewers. This is so much more than a modern fairy tale; it is the story of a young girl’s struggle to endure in the face of tyranny and war. For a more lighthearted film, go with Cinema Paradiso; if you’re in a teary mood, Pan’s Labyrinth will get you on a roll; and if you’re somewhere in between, you’re in luck, because so is The Spanish Apartment.

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Guys, girls with boyfriends or a lot of guy friends, or single girls like me can’t go through college without seeing at least one Classic Gangster/Mobster movie. While many would say Scarface is the perfect film for that need, I’m nowhere close to agreeing (unless, by chance, you mean the original 1932 version with Paul Muni). No, my suggestion is to rent yourself . . . oh, why not, buy yourself a copy of The Godfather and watch it at least once. This film goes so far beyond a classic mafia movie. It’s a story of family, loyalty, honor, and one man’s attempt to maintain all three-make that two men’s attempts, since both Michael and Vito Corleone embrace the same struggle, just in very different ways-in light of betrayal and attacks by both anticipated enemies and unexpected betrayers. This film is a classic through-and-through; nobody-hear that, nobody-should go through college without seeing it at least once. It’s sort of an offer you can’t refuse, if you know what I mean.

I call this next category the Intellectual Comedy, but I’ll be honest with you; it’s actually just the Woody Allen category. It is my personal belief that no one should make it through college without seeing at least one Woody Allen picture. If some theatre major friend of yours doesn’t bring him and his films up, some professor will, I assure you. (If not, you may want to consider a transfer!) Despite my desire to fill this list with films like Play it Again, Sam or Melinda and Melinda, I would be gravely amiss if I didn’t suggest that your Intellectual Comedy be Annie Hall. Woody Allen is hilarious to the max in this film, as is Diane Keaton as the titular character. Don’t just take my word for it, but believe me when I tell you that Diane Keaton is Annie Hall; I swear Keaton didn’t even have to act, she was just being herself (pardon the inadvertent Godfather reference; hopefully fans will know what I mean). Nowhere is floundering romance-or, as Allen puts it, a “dead shark” romance-funnier than in this film.

If you’ve been counting, we’re now halfway through the ten categories I promised you. Coming in at category number six is the Pivotal Classic Romance. This could be none other than Casablanca. This is a classic romance, in fact probably the classic romance, starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. It also happens to be amazing. One more thing it happens to be: not a chick flick. That’s right, even guys can watch this movie and love it, because despite the mushy love story it is also an action packed drama. Humphrey Bogart is the everyman’s cool-guy (pardon me, Steve McQueen, but it’s true). He lays down the law and lays it out straight for anyone, male or female, who doesn’t fall in line. In fact, one of the best exchanges in the film takes place when he tells some girl off who wants to know where he was the night before. “I don’t remember that far back,” he coolly replies. When she asks what he’s doing later, his equally suave response is, “I don’t plan that far ahead.” Now, if that’s not a cool worth emulating (to a limit, guys), then I don’t know what is.

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For those guys who aren’t satisfied with having to watch a romance, here’s a category for you: The Classic Sports Movie. There are two American classic sports: football and baseball. These movies fall into both categories. First, there’s Brian’s Song, the football film that makes grown men cry. I won’t even bother explaining why you should see this one; just do it. I will say this; beyond sports, it tells the story of an amazing friendship, racial justice, and so much more, so, as I said before, watch it. If baseball’s more your thing, check out The Natural. Besides having possibly the best sports movie soundtrack of all time, it has some of the greatest feats of baseball, a guy who seems out of his league showing he perhaps belongs there more than anybody. If seeing a baseball get smacked out of its skin doesn’t send shivers up and down your spine, I don’t know what will. Ladies, there’s even a Classic Sports Movie just for you: A League of Their Own. This film tells the story of the All-American women’s baseball league started up when our men went off to war. It’s a tear-jerker and a side-splitter all in one, so check it out. The cast includes Geena Davis, Tom Hanks, Madonna, and Rosie O’Donnell. And remember, “There’s no crying in baseball!” (But for watching this film, we’ll make an exception.)

Category number eight is the Ultimate Sci-Fi Classic. Despite how much I want to scream, “Star Trek! Any of them!” my fingers won’t tell a lie. The ultimate sci-fi classic for college students is none other than the original Star Warstrilogy (not the new ones, unless you decide, as I did one weekend, to watch all six in sequence). With classic lines like, “But I was going to go into Tashi Station to pick up some new power converters!”, “May the force be with you,” and “I have a bad feeling about this,” what’s not to love? For the ladies, we’ve got the dazzling Harrison Ford as the equally dazzling bad-boy Han Solo. Or, if you don’t go for the bad-boy type, there’s Luke Skywalker; hey, there’s even Chewbacca, if you go for big, tall, and hairy! For the guys, there’s Princess Leia. Then there’s the king of bad: Darth Vader. Someone out there is doing the breathing thing right now, I know it. So sit back, pop some popcorn, turn off the lights, and take a trip to a galaxy far, far away!

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Now, I wanted to do a category called the Ultimate Musical. However, it proved too challenging for me to pick one out of the scores and scores of musicals available. So instead, category number nine is the Ultimate-College-Student’s-Musical-Encounter-That-Happens-to-Make-You-Think. Simple enough, right? That one is none other than RENT. Yes, I’ve heard it’s better on Broadway, but for those of us who haven’t had the pleasure of verifying that point, I’d say the film version is pretty excellent. It tells a moving story in musical form, makes you really take a look at the other side, and has you loving characters you may never have thought you’d be able to love before. It’s a stunning, confusing (in a good way), mind-blowing experience I recommend for any college student who claims they’re in college to “explore” the world in which they live!

Finally, there’s the Ultimate Eye-Opener. Since it was pretty hard to narrow down this category, I went with a certain period; World War II. Thus, the first film in this list of choices is Schindler’s List. The moving story of how Oskar Schindler, portrayed by Liam Neeson, saved thousands of Jewish lives in his factories is a must-see. It is a heart-stirring look at what hypocrisies we each often live, the price we pay for them, the road to redemption, and so much more. Your second option is The Pianist. Starring Adrien Brody, this film is another moving story, this time from the vantage point of a Polish Jewish pianist’s life. This story of survival is just as potent as Schindler’s List, just from a different point of view. Again, it’s another must-see for all college students. So, have at thee! Head out to your local movie rental shop, pick up some of the films on this list, get some friends together, and learn some lessons from these cinematic classics. See you on the silver screen!
