Movie Review: Tooth Fairy 2 Blu-ray

A straight to video disaster Larry the Cable Guy lands the job of Tooth Fairy and tries to not only collect teeth and leave behind the necessary dollar but grow up in the process.

Film making 3/25

Video 15/25

Audio 15/25

Bonus Features 3/25

Total 36/100

Larry the Cable Guy replaces Dwayne Johnson in Tooth Fairy 2, the straight to video sequel that actually lowers the bar of films based on popular fables and myths. Larry the Cable Guy is probably the oddest choice for starring role to replace Dwayne Johnson but he does have a certain charm in his own dumb backwoods way.

Larry is high on life after a miraculous slip while bowling wins him a Camaro but his girlfriend sees his true nature of full grown adult with a kids mentality. He refuses to grow up until he accidentally tells a kid that the tooth fairy does not exist while helping his girlfriend at her after school daycare.

Nyx played by Brady Reiter is the tooth fairy case worker that tries to get Larry back on track but only does so when Larry bumbles around for part of the film. Larry does eventually get the girl back and get the respect of Nyx the case worker but this reviewer is quickly losing respect for Larry the actor.

His last three films have been going down the drain and this one is surely the worst of the three, I liked Larry in Blue Collar Comedy Tour but he has gone downhill ever since. Larry has just been picking bad roles and this latest attempt at humor for both kids and adults is bad, really bad.

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Larry the Cable Guy does alright but the general content of the film would probably be lost on kids, a guy grows up after his girlfriend dumps him when he becomes the tooth fairy. Larry does grow into the adult his ex-girlfriend wants but the film does not keep any interest for me and I think kids will be a bit lost as well.

Fart jokes and eating a glowing jelly bean that turns Larry’s butt into a glowing firefly butt are about the general humor level of this movie. Kids should enjoy some of it but overall it just makes no sense when you’re trying to show how Larry grows up when he helps a kid believe in the Tooth Fairy again.

Some scenes seem outright to be more about getting to the end of the film faster like the scene where Larry needs to collect five more teeth and does it in fast motion. The film has few jokes and many they do try turn out to be not funny at all because they are so out of place or lack the correct motivation.

Larry should have left well enough alone and I predict this outing at another film based on the backwoods character Larry likes to portray will do even worse than his last two attempts. The films only saving grace on Blu-ray is the lack of problems in the audio and video department which turns out to look and sound fairly good.

Not to say that the film is fantastic but for a low budget movie it looks and sounds alright but without any redeeming values the quality of the movie doesn’t matter all that much. Bonus content is also bad; Larry does a four minute scene where he tells as the Tooth Fairy why we lose our baby teeth.

See also  Who is "Larry the Cable Guy" Really?

Other stupid and misguided features include how funny it is that Larry is in a tutu and a quick intro to the pig star of the film. The making of feature is also a funny one in that the cast and crew have to try with straight faces to plug a movie that is this bad.

“Honor the original franchise…” I heard this and wondered why anyone would honor the first Toothy Fairy but I really can’t see a reason to do even that. Generally the first film was not too bad, this one is worse in that it takes the same story and plunks dumb acting Larry the Cable Guy into the lead role.

One line in the film stuck out to me and it was only half way through the movie, “Show’s over everybody…” it was over before it started. Tooth Fairy 2 is bad and not even worth a rental much less to let kids watch it, skip this one at all costs.