Motivational Tips for Cleaning

Many people have a hard time finding the motivation to clean their house. Like most people I hate to clean. I find all household chores boring and mundane. There are a few tricks I have found that help me stay motivated while cleaning and that get me moving everyday.


Music can be a very useful tool when cleaning the house. Unlike the television you can carry a radio with you or even turn it up loud enough to hear it all over the house. Try using upbeat fast pace music. Listening to the radio instead of the television will keep you from the temptation to sit down and watch for a few minutes.


I find a timer my most useful tool in motivating me to clean. I will set the timer for 15 minutes and work on one room then when the timer goes off I switch to another room. I do this a few times then take a 15 minute break. Using this method will ensure that each room gets work done on it. It is also a nice surprise to see just how much you can get done in 15 minutes. I also use the timer when I have no motivation at all. I will set the timer for 5 minutes instead of 15 and clean all the surfaces. This actually makes a big different in a room.


Another good motivational tool for both adults and children is points. Assign each chore a point value then set a point goal for the month and a reward for if you reach your point goal. This if fun because you can set the points at whatever you want. If you really hate a chore give it a high point value. It is also a great way to get children to do their chores.

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Buddy Systems

It should come as no surprise that you’re not the only one that hates to clean. There are groups on Yahoo where the members use a buddy system to help motivate each other. Using an instant messenger program you can motivate and encourage each other to clean. This also allows you to brag about getting chores done.

Break Time

Most people underestimate using break times to motivate them to clean. If you know you have a break coming then the chore doesn’t seem so bad. Allow yourself time to take breaks or use them as rewards for a chore being done. Just make sure you aren’t spending more time taking breaks then cleaning.


Most people don’t think of housework as exercise but it really is. When doing housework notice all the muscles you are using. While cleaning remember that you are not only cleaning your house but all working out. It can be a great motivator to realize that you are burning calories doing something as simple as sweeping the floor.

While nothing may be able to make you actually like cleaning sometimes a little motivation can go a long way.