Mother’s Circus Animal Cookies Are Fun and Delicious

Those of us on the West Coast of the United States are fortunate enough to have access to the best brand of packaged cookies ever made: Mother’s Cookies. For those of you in other areas who may never have heard of Mother’s Cookies, Mother’s Cookies was founded in Oakland, California in 1914 and is the maker of several unique varieties of cookies. My favorite variety of Mother’s Cookies is the “Circus Animals” variety. The Circus Animals cookies are small animal shaped cookies, which are covered in frosting and rainbow sprinkles. Some of the animals are covered in pink frosting, while others are covered in white frosting, and the combination of pink and white Circus Animals all dotted with rainbow sprinkles is an aesthetically pleasing combination for a batch of cookies.

My wife, who is originally from Florida, had never heard of Mother’s Cookies and hence of the Circus Animals until she moved to California four years ago. Since her discovery of Mother’s Cookies, however, the pink and white Circus Animals are a regular staple around our kitchen. While needless to say the Circus Animals variety of Mother’s Cookies are less than healthy, especially seeing as how it is nearly impossible not to finish an entire bag of cookies, one simply doesn’t care about the health consequences when the cookies are around. The pink and white animal cookies are like a magnet, drawing one to the cookies irresistibly.

A special treat occurs around major holidays when Mother’s Cookies produces their Circus Animal cookies with alternative colors to match the approaching holiday. With the Fourth of July just around the corner, I noticed tonight while shopping at our local Safeway grocery store that Mother’s Cookies currently has a batch of red, white, and blue frosted Circus Animal cookies to celebrate our nation’s birthday. What better could there be to treat your friends to a yummy snack at a Fourth of July barbecue?

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Although Mother’s Cookies are now being made in Ohio, the package still proudly boasts that Mother’s Cookies are a “California original.” If you have never tasted these amazing cookies, it is hard to do them justice considering that I have grown up with Mother’s Cookies in the pantry. We do not always stick to the Circus Animals variety, however. My other favorite variety of Mother’s Cookies is their Iced Raisin cookies, which is made from similar cookie dough and has raisins inside and then is covered in a creamy vanilla frosting. The Iced Raisin Cookies can easily give the Circus Animals a run for their money, but in any case Mother’s Cookies are some of the best prepackaged cookies available on the market today.

If you are not fortunate enough to live in an area that sells Mother’s Cookies in the grocery stores, it should not be too hard to find an online vendor that will ship them to your location. Click here for a link to an online vendor that will ship you your choice of Mother’s Cookies. You might even want to stock up, just in case you happen to fall in love with Mother’s Circus Animal cookies or the Iced Raisin cookies. Words simply cannot do them justice, but once you try them you will see what all the California fuss about Mother’s Cookies is all about.
