Most Popular Boy Dog Names for 2009

Worn out names for dogs in the past have been just that, a thing of the past. Here you will find the most popular boy dog names for 2009, facts about most dogs listed, and much more.

Dog names used in the past consist of Fido and Ruffus, however these dog names for 2009 should give the old dog names something new. We begin with celebrity boy dog names.

Atticus is an incredible boy dog name for huskies and shepherds. As this boy dog name has just reclaimed it’s popularity, celebrities are catching on. Searching for boy dog names must have taken up much of Jake Gyllenhaal’s time since his dog has the most unusual yet magnetic name. Jake Gyllenhaal, from the movie Brokeback Mountain, has been seen with Atticus, a rescued German Shepherd. Another good name for a male German Shepherd is Duke.

Babu is a great boy dog name, however “Mr. Beefy”, from Little Nicky, is not a good dog name. Celebrity boy dog names, such as Babu, is shared by Adam Sandler. Adam used to have a pup named Matzoball, however Matzoball passed away. Matzoball is a great boy dog name for Italian family dogs.

Barney is another great boy dog name, as it is shared by former George W. Bush. Barney rules the White House. Barney can best fit a Scottish Terrier, although Bush’s other Terrier’s name is Miss Beazley, not as popular. Barney can also fit the character of a Blood Hound. Barney is not high on the list of celebrity boy dog names, however it ranks high with those which support our former US President.

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Jack is a great boy dog name for a Golden Retriever. Jack is a popular, already used, boy dog name, however great names never die, they simply grow in time. Jacks, or Jax are other excellent boy dog names to call a Golden Retriever.

Mister Bond, otherwise known as James Bond, is a great boy dog names for greyhound. As 007 grows within spy technology, Mister Bond can be your best friend. Greyhounds are known for their prestige, just as James, James Bond.

Obamy has already begun as a boy dog name. Most that name their dog Obamy usually are US President Barack Obama supporters. Obamy, as odd as the word comes out, it still rates as one of the best boy dog names.

Patrick is one of the best boy dog names to use for Irish Setters. Patrick Swayze fans also name their boy dog after Swayze, Patrick with honor. Max is another good boy name for an Irish Setter.

Kaku is an excellent boy dog name for a mutt-type. This dog should put the scruffy in the puppy, and is semi-sharp and goofy at the same time.

Emory is a nice boy dog name for that sophisticated pup, best in the tall Poodle or Shitzu-pup.

Diamond is another boy dog name that shines with sophistication, but in a bling bling kind of fashion. With a collar of custom fake jewels, Diamond catches the eyes of surrounding dogs, owners, and those passing by. Diamond as a boy dog name best fits for male Pit Bulls. Bruiser is another good boy dog name for a Pit Bull.

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Bud, otherwise known as Buddy, is a great boy dog name for beer drinkers and partiers. Many college students call their “weiner dog” Bud. Bud best fits for dachshund. Those mile long dogs that remind many of hotdogs.

With these great boy dog names, a new owner of a puppy can find the perfect name. For funny boy dog names, including girl dog names, visit You will find their five-star rating system easy to spot the funniest dog names of all.

Fun Animal Facts

Pet Staff reports of December 23, 2008 being the day of birth, as a 3-year-old dalmation gave birth to 18 puppies by Caesarean section. That’s a lot of spots to clean.

Ananova reports of a 15-year-old cat taking advantage of good eye-care by having contact lenses restore this cat’s vision. Believed to be a medical first, Ernest the cat was suffering from entropion, meaning that Ernest’s lids turned inwards and scratched his sensitive eyeball. Ernest is having a better year.

Boy dog names shouldn’t be given on a whim. Just ask yourself, would you want your parent to call you the first thing that came to their mind once you passed through mother? Boy dog names should reflect the kind of puppy you are about to journey through life with.