More Unusual Pet Products

In a previous article, I cover products like a sex doll for dogs and a translator for dogs, but there were so many other products that weren’t covered that I decided to come up with a follow up article:

Pet ionizer- If your dog has problems breathing, or you just suck at cleaning and your house reeks of some god awful smell, there is the pet ionizer, which reduces allergens, viruses, bacteria, and other god awful smells. I wonder if they also make a canine white noise machine?

Wash your car, wash your pet- This is actually an ingenious idea. You take your car for its monthly, weekly, or yearly (in my case) wash, and you can’t leave your dog at home. Why not go ahead and clean your dog at the same time so you have a clean car and a less smelly dog. This service is currently available in Michigan as part of a self-employment opportunity. Own your own car wash? Order this attachment and get the pet owners coming to your place of business in droves.

Pet earmuffs- Have you always wanted to bring Fido to the gun range with you, but knew that the noise would just drive him insane? Well, now you can bring him with you with Mutt Muffs. Put the ear muffs on your dog and it will severely reduce the amount of sound that reaches his ears to almost making the noise non-existent for him or her.

Poop duffle bag- Tired of carrying your dog’s poop around with you? Want to tell your dog, ‘Hey, it’s your crap, you carry it?’ Well, now Fido can carry around his share of the dirty work. It’s a sturdy container that can clip on to their collar and it doesn’t emit any smell. Of course, should you feel bad, you can also clip it on to your belt.

See also  Does Your Cat Spray in the House?

Frozen poop- Keeping up the poop theme, ever hate picking up your dog’s poop and feel the squishiness of it? With Poop Freeze, you can spray your dog’s feces and not have to feel the nasty squishiness that comes with it.

Feline La-Z-Boy- Cats have it hard: sleep, clean themselves, go eat, sleep, go to the litter box, sleep, go eat, sleep. When they want to kick back after their hard day, they can go stretch out on this comfy cat recliner, which has catnip infused in the fabric.

Dog Snack Dispenser- Going to be out all day and don’t want your dog to miss you that much, there’s the Talk-To-Me Treat Ball. Your dog bats the ball around, and it will dispense a treat for it to eat. Your pup hits a button on the toy, and it will play a 15 second message letting your dog know you love them, you miss them, or they’re a good boy. Of course, they probably get tired of hearing you leave voice mail messages for them at lunch.

Collar ID- Of course, you may have gone completely wireless, so you don’t have an answering machine to leave messages for your dog. Well, have no fear, the Collar ID is here! You can call up your dog or cat at any point, and the collar will automatically answer, allowing you to completely confuse your animal as you leave loving messages for them so they won’t miss you. Aside from the loser factor that this collar offers, it will go ahead and call you if your pet happens to be lost, and has GPS capability. This way you can keep track of your animal no matter where you are.