More Unique Fundraisers for Your Youth Group or Organization

I am someone that looks for a good deal when I purchase anything for my family. I hate to pay full price and I rarely do. It is especially hard for me to pay for fund raiser items from youth groups or organizations when I know that they usually get a very small percentage of the profits. I can’t count how many times that my little brother, 18 years younger than me, has sold something as a fund raiser for school, a youth group or organization that I bought. Most of the time, I didn’t need the item, it costs me at least 3 times more than it was worth and it wasn’t practical in any way.

So, when I became a youth group leader and was faced with the fact that we needed to sponsor a fund raiser, I was determined to think of a more practical item to sell that was a good value and that gave my youth group a huge profit. Every fund raiser that we have done so far has been very successful and provided our supporters with something they could use. Below, I have given you 2 fund raiser ideas that are unique and different. They will provide your youth group or organization with the needed start up ideas. You can take the fund raiser in any direction you like from there. The more creative you get, the more family and friends of your youth group or organization will want to buy your fund raiser products. Keep your fund raiser simple though to keep your prices low.


My youth group just finished sponsoring this fund raiser and it was a big hit. The best thing about this fund raiser is the price. We sold the calendars for just $2 each. We DID NOT USE a fund raiser site on line to purchase these. I looked on line to find that if you go through a fund raiser company, your group or organization will pay much more. I bought the calendars directly from Oriental Trading for only .50 each. My youth group made 1.50 on every calendar sold and there was no need to make anything or prepare anything. We simply sold calendars as our fund raiser.

See also  Games and Ideas for Youth Groups

This fund raiser was a success for several reasons. The price was low, the need was high since we sold them close to Christmas and many supporters needed new pocket calendars for the new year and we were getting a large amount of profit. I recommend that if you choose this fund raiser for your group, that you choose a design on the calendars that represents your youth group or organization. We chose pocket calendars for our fund raiser with bible verses on them since we are a faith based youth group. You may also print off labels on the computer that state your youth group or organization name and information. We chose not to invest that additional money but you may have someone who could donate the labels to your youth group or organization for the purpose of your fund raiser.


This is a fund raiser for your youth group or organization that involves making suckers. Three great benefits of making your own fund raiser product is that no one else will be selling them, you can keep costs very low, and you can use the process of making the suckers as an activity that involves everyone. The youth group or organization members feel real ownership over a fund raiser where they are so involved. It makes them want to sell as much as possible higher the profits of the youth group or organization. Relatives and supporters also appreciate homemade items more from a youth group or organization for a fund raiser.
The process for this fund raiser is simple. You can purchase or borrow several sucker molds and melt chocolate or candy and fill the molds, adding a stick to each one. You can get more creative with this fund raiser without spending a lot of money by adding special touches to the suckers. The youth group or organization members can make up catchy names for each flavor sucker, add a small piece of paper tied with a little ribbon to each sucker stating your youth group name and purpose for the fund raiser. Do as much or as little as you can do while keeping your out of pocket costs low. Don’t be afraid to sell the suckers for a couple of bucks, or up to 3 or 4 each for the suckers. Remember that we usually pay 10 bucks for cookie dough that is worth 2 when we buy from other fund raisers. You certainly want to make it high enough so that your youth group or organization will make a great profit.

See also  Green Science Projects for Children

Think outside the box for your fund raisers. People like when things are new and different! Good luck.