More Games for Vacation Bible School

Earlier I wrote on Associated Content about games for VBS. They can be found at Fun Games for Vacation Bible School . Here is more games that you can incorporate into that group.

The key to successful group games is to keep them short, easy for all to do, and fun for all. Like any game, if you can improvise and find a way to vary the game with your own idea, go for it. Many games are improved through trial and error.

1. Friendship Knot; Make a circle of even numbers 4,6,8 etc. Small groups work best. Have them reach across the circle and shake hands with one person. They clasp hands. The hands should be clasped over each others in the center of the circle. Now with their other hand they must take someone else’s hand. Now they are holding hands with two individuals. Have them say “Hello Friend”. Now holding hands, they must make a circle without letting go of hands. Their circle may be facing out our some might be facing in. The goal is not to break hand holds until a circle is made. They can step over, under, anyway but, they can’t let go until a circle is made. Repeat it if someone is left out.

2 .Reach out Tag; You need two buckets of water with five soft sponges in each one. Select two to be it. Each goes to a bucket. Have a defined area outside. When you say GO , the two hit or tag children with a sponge. The ones hit go and get a sponge from the bucket and try to hit another. Those that are IT stay it until all have been hit. One major rule. NO One gets hit in the face.

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3. Buddy if you are my Friend Smile; Have the children pair off with a partner. They sit facing each other. They are not allowed to touch their partner. When the leader says “Buddy you are my friend smile.”, One person tries to get the other to smile giggle or laugh. The other one tries to stay serious looking. Switch off. Allow funny noises.

4. Centurion’s Challenge; Have several large bath towels. Have 4 or 5 students stand on the towel. The goal is to turn the towel over without stepping off of it. Younger children can have one foot on and one off. They use their toes to go under and try to lift it over. If they step off it doesn’t.t count. Older kids have to keep both feet on the towel at all times. Make sure the towel is big enough. Sometimes Beach towels work better because they are bigger.

5. Pine cone give away; Divide your class into two groups. They don’t have to be equal. Put a team on each side of a line. (Use a string, tape, or chalk line to divide the children) Have about about old pages of newspapers on each side per group. when you say GO , each group starts rolling a page of newspaper into a ball. they then start throwing the ball to the other side quickly. Children are allowed to throw them back where they came from. When you yell STOP count the homemade pine cones on each side of the line. The one with the least amount is the winner.

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6. Lazarus “Come Out.”: Divide the group into small groups of three of four. Give each one a roll of toilet paper. One individual stands up in the middle of the group, The others gather around. With their toilet paper they make the one in the center a mummy fro head to toe without breaking the paper. (This is an important point) They must go slow. Once the person is fully covered, a judge will give the Okay at Lazarus (the mummy) tears off all the paper and comes out. The first group done is the winner. Use the cheapest toilet paper you can buy for this.

7. Giving Help Hike; Place a towel, three sticks, three rocks, and make a bridge with two ropes laying on the ground parallel from each other about three feet apart. Divide class into pairs with a partner. One wears a blindfold. Their partner must lead them without touching them to each item. They must pick up and return the items to the camp site. their partner will give verbal instructions along the way and where to place the items. The first two to get done, Win. Note the towel should be rolled up like a sleeping bag by the blindfolded individual. For older children have a pitcher of water and they must pour it into a canteen or glass without spilling a drop. They must rely on their partner’s directions. This helps to build friendship and individual confidence in each other.

8. Smelly Tag; Have a defined play area. Start a regular game of Chinese freeze tag. When IT tags someone they squat down, tuck their head, cover their head with their arms and Hold or Pinch their nose. Those that haven’t been caught can re tag them and let them rise back up (like Lazarus rising from the grave) and continue to play. Depending on your group, you can have two or three ITS. Tell the children that when Lazarus died, his sisters were in mourning but, when Jesus came he was able to get Lazarus to rise from his grave. Those not It or like Jesus touching those that are down and helping them get back into the game.

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9. Give It Away; Give each child three clothes pins. When you say GO, each child must go to another and tell a fact about themselves. If they hear a fact they collect, if the tell a fact, they give one away. The first child to get rid of all three pins is the winner. You can change this to a fact about Jesus.

Keep in mind that these are fun games. If you are the leader and the game for reason or another don’t go as well as you would have liked, don’t worry about it, just move on.

sources; Survivor Games; Concordia Publishing