Mom T’s Devil’s-food Cake Recipe from Scratch-Easy!

Mom T’s Devil’s-food Cake Recipe from Scratch-Easy!

This chocolate cake recipe will win everyone’s attention. It is easy to make and satisfies every chocolate cake lovers craving.

Tip: Before starting, turn your stove on. This is called preheating and is a must if you want your cake to bake correctly. Set it at 350 degrees.

If this is your first scratch cake recipe, take a deep breath, its easy! Just have your counters cleaned off and take your time reading the recipe.

Ingredients you will need for this chocolate cake recipe:

1 ¾ cup sugar
½. vanilla
2 cups flour
1 tsp. soda

Put stick of softened butter in mixing bowl and add sugar. Mix well. Add eggs and beat well.

In a small pan, put hot water and add the cocoa. Heat and stir until this creates a nice smooth paste. Take off of heat and add this chocolate paste to the cake mix. Mix again.

In a small bowl, measure out all of the dry ingredients (this is your flour and soda). Add the vanilla to the cup of milk and alternatively add the dry ingredients and the milk/vanilla to the mix. Beat this well.

Pour this mixture into a large greased (and lightly floured) cake pan. Bake for 30 min. at 350 degrees. (When your timer goes off, use a toothpick to check if your cake is done. If the toothpick can be inserted and brought out of the cake without cake sticking to it..its done!) If it sticks keep the cake in the over for a couple more minutes, until the toothpick comes out clean.

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Set chocolate cake aside to cool. We are going to make a quick and easy frosting recipe to top off your chocolate cake. This recipe gives you the choice of vanilla or chocolate for your chocolate cake. Remember, this recipe is easy, don’t get nervous!

Take one stick of softened butter and put it in a mixing bowl. Add about 2 cups of powdered sugar. Mix on low speed. Add 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla. Add milk SLOWLY..started with a couple of tablespoons. Let it mix..we like a fluffy icing so we require a bit more milk and high speed mixing. If you like a stiffer frosting, you will not put as much milk in and a medium speed will do.

TIP: Powdered sugar gets runny fast. So just put a tablespoon of milk at a time. After you have made frosting a few times, you will be able to judge the milk easier. IF your frosting gets too runny, add a little more powdered sugar. Don’t panic, frosting is forgiving and usually this frosting recipe comes around with a bit more milk or a bit more powdered sugar! Hang in there.

For this cake, you can stop here with the vanilla icing OR you can do what we do. Add three to four tablespoons of cocoa and beat well. There’s nothing like a double chocolate whammy!

Make sure the chocolate cake is cool. If it isn’t, your frosting will melt. Spoon the frosting onto the cake and smooth it evenly with a knife.

You have just made Mom T’s Devils-food cake! Wasn’t that an easy chocolate cake recipe? Now go cut a piece of chocolate cake, sit down and enjoy it (and feel good about yourself!)