MMR Vaccine Ingredients

The following information also pertains to the MR-Vax, the measles and Rubella vaccine, also manufactured by Merck. The MRVax does not contain the Mumps virus.

MMR or Measles, Mumps, Rubella is the vaccine produced by Merck, makers of Vioxx and Gardasil. MMR vaccine ingredients include measles, mumps, rubella live virus, the antibiotic neomycin, the chemical sorbitol, and the animal by products hydrolyzed gelatin, chick embryonic fluid, and human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue.

The Live virus particles in the vaccine can actually give a case of that disease. In other words, your child can actually get measles from the measles live virus, mumps from the mumps virus or Rubella from the Rubella virus. Typically the illness from the vaccine is not as severe as getting it in the wild. However if you get it in the wild you have a full and natural immunity. The MMR vaccine does not give a full immunity to these diseases and the MMR vaccine is one that has been hailed for many years as being a trigger to Autism.

The Antibiotic Neomycin is a potential allergen as many people have problems with antibiotics. Neomycin is a Neurotoxin, Ototoxin, (can effect hearing and balance), and Nephrotoxin, (meaning it can cause kidney damage and can cause respiratory paralysis and kidney failure just to name a few of the potential hazards of this chemical.

Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol that can cause Nausea, gas, diarrhea, stomach cramps or anal irritation when ingested and can do so in very small amounts. Sorbitol is used to irrigate the bladder, under which conditions it is recommended that it should not be used if you are allergic to Sorbitol or Fructose. This product can effect your heart rate, cause swelling, and change urination regularity. According to, under the warnings: It is not for injection, is this just the urinary was or Sorbitol in general. Although Sorbitol is one of the least toxic ingredients there are still some precautions here.

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Chick Embryonic fluids are proteins and fluid taken from the brain cavity of early developmental chicks. When you include animal by products you also run the risk of hitchhiking viral particles as was the case with SV40 in the Polio shot and still remains a concern today.

Human diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue carries a stigma of its own and is a religious conflict for those who believe in the sanctity of life and those with pro-life convictions. In order to get aborted fetal tissue, abortion must be available.


Chick Embryonic Fluids;=0

Disclaimer: This article, “MMR Vaccine Ingredients”, is not intended to give medical advice. It is a call to educate yourself about disease and vaccines so that in making a decision where your child is concerned, you should take an active role in learning all you can from medical experts on both sides of the fence, then make an educated decision. we did not make an informed decision until one son got Leukemia and another developed Autism immediately after receiving his MMR vaccine. This has sent us on a quest to inform ourselves and others to seriously question what kind of toxic soups are being injected with the vaccines. Odds are if your child is injured by a vaccine, you have little or no recompense against the industry.
