Missouri Tax Information – Who and When to File

Information on who is required to file, and when they have to file, for Missouri tax returns…

Who has to File in Missouri?

Let’s start with who doesn’t have to file. There are four groups of people that are not required to file a Missouri Return…

Group 1 – People who are exempt from filing a federal return.

If you aren’t required the file a federal return, then you are automatically exempted from filing the Missouri return as well.

Group 2 – Missouri residents with low AGI.

If you are a Missouri resident, and you are required to file a federal tax return, but you have an Adjusted Gross Income of less than $1,200, then you don’t have to file the Missouri tax return.

Group 3 – Non-residents with low income.

If you are a Missouri-nonresident, and you are required to file a federal tax return, but you have less than $600 of Missouri income, then you don’t have to file the Missouri tax return.

Group 4 – Missouri AGI < Standard Deduction + Exemption amount.

Yeah, this one has some math, sorry. First, you need to figure your Missouri Adjusted Gross Income. Then look up your standard deduction and determine your exemption amount (which is based on your filing status). You basically have to fill out the forms to get these numbers. After you have them, add the standard deduction and the exemption amount together, and compare that number to your Missouri Adjusted Gross Income. If your Missouri Adjusted Gross Income is the lower of the two, then you don’t have to file the Missouri tax return.

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If you’re not in one of these groups, you do have to file a Missouri tax return.

Voluntary Filing of a Missouri Return

If you’re not require to file a Missouri Tax return, you may still want to file one. If you receive a W-2 stating that you had income withheld for Missouri, the only way to get that money back is to file a return claiming it.
If you have income withheld for Missouri, AND you’re not required to file, AND you choose not to file voluntarily, Missouri will just keep your money. You won’t be punished for not filing though, you just forfeit the money.

When to File your Missouri Return

For tax-year 2006, taxpayers who are filing by the calendar year must submit their Missouri Tax Return no later than April 16, 2007. Fiscal year filers must submit their returns no later than the 15th day of the fourth mouth following the close of their fiscal tax-year.
If you file your Missouri Tax Return after these deadlines, you will be subject to charges for interest and additions to tax.

Requesting an Extension

If you don’t owe any more Missouri tax than what you’ve already had withheld, or you will be receiving a refund, you don’t need to file extension.

If you expect to owe Missouri tax, you’ll need to file Form MO-60 by the date that your return would have been due. You must send payment with the Form MO-60! MO-60 is an extension of time to file; it is not an extension of time to pay.

See also  What Seniors Must Know Before Filing Their 2011 Tax Return (Part 5)

Late Filing and Late Payments

There is a five percent addition added to your tax if payment is not received on time. Missouri charges simple interest on all delinquent taxes. The interest rate is updated annually. You can check the current rate by going to the Missouri Department of Revenue’s website at www.dor.mo.gov/tax.

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