Milk Jug Cleaning Supply Caddy

If you’re like most families in America you go through jug after jug of milk. Can you imagine how many gallon-size plastic jugs hit the landfill every year? Of course, you can only do a minor part in going green but each little thing you do helps in the overall goal of most Americans to help save the planet. On a small scale, though, you can recycle those plastic jugs into a handy caddy that holds all your cleaning supplies. Since it’s portable you’ll have everything you need nearby whenever it’s cleaning day. And, if you don’t need a cleaning caddy you can use the jugs to make an artist’s caddy or another cool helpful organizer.

After washing the jugs well cut the top half off. Use scissors or a craft knife, just below the handle, to cut cleanly all the way around. Although it’s not absolutely mandatory that the jug be cut just perfectly it will produce a nicer-looking caddy if the jug is cut evenly. Use a ruler and marker, if needed, to accomplish this. Since the caddies can be built to your liking you will decide how many jugs you need to cut. You must use an even number, though, so cut up two, four or even six of the jugs. Make a smaller caddy by using half-gallon jugs; a larger caddy by using gallon-size containers.

At a craft store you’ll find many different wooden pieces. A thin, flat wooden piece works well to make a base for the caddy. To choose the proper size of wood measure the bottom of one milk jug and decide how many jugs you will be using. The jugs will be aligned in two rows so you’ll figure the measurements across the bottom of half the jugs you’re using in order to decide on the length. For example, if you’re going to make a caddy that has three jugs on one side, and three on the other, add the measurements of three of the jugs together to find the length you need. The width should be purchased according to the measurement of two jugs side-by-side. Buy a piece of wood that’s an inch or so longer and wider than the actual jugs.

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Another option you have for making a base is a thick piece of cardboard. The cardboard must be very thick and sturdy to hold the cleaning supplies. Layers of cardboard can be glued together to make it thick enough. Or, make something totally different by using an old cookie sheet as the base. The cookie sheet works well if you’re using half-gallon jugs. A piece of paneling or even Styrofoam are other choices for a base.

You’ll need a handle for the caddy and it, too, can be made from different things. You can purchase a piece of wood at a craft store, with an oval cut out for a handle, or you can make the handle from something else. A thick piece of cardboard works well; just cut an oval or rectangle shape out near the top. A piece of thick foam works well, too. The foam should be the type that you often see made into colorful squares for kids. The foam pieces slide together via built-in tabs and are often used as floor mats. Cut a handle shape out near the top. No matter what type of handle you decide on it should be at least half as long as the base you’ve chosen. It should also be tall enough so that it rises above the milk jugs.

To assemble the caddy start by gluing the handle to the base. Glue strips, found at home improvement or craft stores, work well on most surfaces and hold quite a lot of weight. Hot glue is a good choice for a cardboard or foam handle. Attach the handle so that it runs down the middle of the length of the base. Now glue the cut jugs to the base and to each other. Align them so that they run down one side of the base, and down the opposite side, with the handle trapped between the two rows. Any jugs that touch the handle can be glued to the base as well as the handle to add strength to the finished caddy.

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Colored tape or stickers make it easy to decorate the jugs. Or, you can use markers to draw or write on them. Each milk jug can hold many different things. Use it to hold cleaning supplies, art supplies, tools and more. With the built-in handle you can easily cart it around with you anywhere you go. It’s a handy item that helps you organize any number of different things while recycling those empty milk jugs.