Milk Alternatives for Lactose Intolerant People

According to the Mayo Clinic, lactose intolerance is the inability to digest milk sugar. Individuals who suffer from this condition often have diarrhea, nausea (or vomiting), abdominal cramps, bloating and gas after ingesting dairy products. Fortunately, lovers of cow milk have several options. Plant-based products are currently on the market that satisfies the publics’ thirst for this beverage.

Milk alternatives for lactose intolerant people:

Coconut Milk –
Coconut milk is liquid from the grated meat of a coconut. This substance comes in a range of grades from thick (20 – 22% fat) to thin (5 -7% fat). The flavor is light and slightly bitter.

  • Pros: Perfect as a base for Asian cuisine, desserts and alcoholic drinks.
  • Cons: Quality of pre-packaged brands differs. Coconut milk is available mainly at drug stores and health-food venues.

Almond Milk –
Almond milk is a combination of water, ground almonds, vanilla extract and a sweetener. Dates back to the middle ages. This concoction has a nutty and crisp flavor.

  • Pros: Loaded with magnesium, potassium and vitamin E. Does not require refrigeration. Almond milk is an excellent choice for Vegans.
  • Cons: Does not taste like cow’s milk.

Read: 10 Benefits of Almond Milk

Lactose-free Milk – Lactose-free milk is cow’s milk that contains the enzyme lactase, which breaks up lactose into digestible matter such as glucose. The enzyme lactase is what lactose intolerant people lack or have little of. Lactose-free milk is sweet in flavor.

  • Pros: Has a long shelf life. Because of the sweeter taste, some consumers enjoy this liquid refreshment more than regular cow’s milk.
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Soy Milk Soy milk, the most popular alternative for lactose intolerant people, is a mixture of soybean flour and water. Sold in regular and non-fat forms. Bland in flavor unless altered by adding vanilla or chocolate.

  • Pros: Easy to pick up at your local grocer or 7-11. Vanilla soy milk tastes exactly like cow’s milk and, as a result, goes well with cereal, cookies and chocolate cake. High in Omega-3 and Omega-6.
  • Cons: Negative reports surfacing about the long-term effect of drinking soy milk such as thyroid and cognitive disruption.

Read: Soy’s Negative Effects

Rice Milk Rice milk is created from fermented grain (usually brown rice) or rice flour. It is sweet in flavor.

These milk alternatives for lactose intolerant people can satiate anyone’s desire for cow’s milk. They are the best options for men and women who want to fool their taste buds.

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