Men’s Hair Gel Vs. Pomade

Choosing the right hair product depends on the texture and length of your hair and also the desired style. Hair gels, wax, and pomades are all popular hair styling tools for men; this article will take a look at hair gel vs. pomade for hair styling. I currently use DEP Sports Gel, and I also use AXE clean cut look pomade.

Hair Gel:

Hair gel is a great way to get your hair in the desired style you choose while providing maximum hold. Hair gel is the strongest out of wax, and pomade, which makes it great for both short and long hair. Hair gel is known to help keep the style you want all day without allowing it to move or change; however this is not always a good thing. Hair gel if used improperly can make the hair look crusty and wet, which is a huge turnoff for girls. The DEP sports gel is great; it keeps the hair in place even on hot humid days, but does not give a crusty or wet look. Applying hair gel properly is all about how much you use; hair gel should be applied on wet hair for the best results. Lesser is more with hair gel since you do not want to get a crusty undesired look, if you need more add it. Overall hair gel is great in getting the look you want with little effort; DEP even makes your hair feel softer when applied correctly.


Pomade is a greasy substance that is great as a men’s hair styling tool. Pomades provide a light hold on the hair to give it the style you want without it looking obvious that you use hair products. Pomades are great for shorter hair as they will give you the look you want without looking greasy; however I would advise against using pomades in any kind of force on longer hair or else it may look greasy and unwashed. Pomades are like a mix between gel and wax and are great for styling shorter hair; however they also take a good thorough washing to get out, and if used improperly can make your hair appear oily.

See also  Tips for Styling Your Hair with Hair Gel


Both men’s hail gel and pomade are great for styling hair easily and attractively. Gel has the downside that it can look crusty if improperly applied, while pomade has the downside of looking greasy on longer hair. Both hair products will give you the look you want; I would suggest trying both and seeing which one works with your style of hair since everyone is different.