Memory Games for the Elderly

It is very important for the elderly to exercise the mind as well as the body, and memory games can help. My grandmother began rapidly losing her memory after her husband died, and her downward spiral was attributed to dementia. Everyone forgets things at times, but for some, the memory becomes obviously troubling. My elderly grandmother quit exercising her mind after her husband died, and as with any part of the body, if it is not used it becomes useless. She suddenly became helpless and could not complete the simplest of tasks, and this transformation from self-reliance to dependence seemed to happen overnight. Regular memory games for the elderly, along with encouragement and grief counseling, could have improved her memory and her overall mental health.

The following memory games for the elderly are really helpful for anyone with memory problems. These simple memory games for the elderly can help keep the mind working and sharpen recollection, and they provide fun activities for groups of elderly people or individuals that enjoy challenging memory games. One of these memory games for the elderly is commonly played by children, but in any case, both games will help the elderly exercise the brain in ways that can help retain valuable memory, and even their independence.

Visual Memory Games for the Elderly

Visual recollection is a great way to exercise the mind and the memory, especially in the elderly, and it is one of the best games for the elderly. Not only will memory games provide a way to exercise the mind, but they are also enjoyable and provide useful time-passing activities. All it takes to set up this memory game for the elderly is a tray of miscellaneous items such as a paper clip, pencil, pen, artificial flower, and any other small items on hand.

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Before the games begin, give the elderly individual or a group of elderly individuals a pencil and paper and a minute or two to try and visually memorize the items on the tray. If the elderly are physically unable to play games that involve writing, lend some assistance, and have them recall the items one by one after those items are no longer visible. Memory games such as this provide endless combinations that can be made easier or more difficult, depending on the memory levels of the elderly players.

To make memory games for the elderly more challenging, incorporate colors and other details into the games. For example, include several paper clips or erasers of different colors on the tray, and have the elderly individual or group of individuals recall the colors as well as the subjects. This can be accomplished with all sorts of items to make the memory games more stimulating and entertaining.

Card Concentration Games for the Elderly

Have you ever played games of concentration with a child? Kids seem to be better at recalling matching cards than adults, and games of concentration can be exceptionally challenging for the elderly. The suits, numbers, or colors can be declared as matches to make the games easier, and an entire deck of cards or partial decks can be used, depending on the difficulty level desired. Two decks of matching cards can be used together to create exact matches and larger memory games. Obviously, the fewer number of cards used in conjunction, the easier the memory games for the elderly players.

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Lay the cards face down, and have the elderly person or persons take turns picking up two cards. When the cards match according to predetermined rules, they are set aside until all of the cards are paired. If they do not match they are turned back over. This is one of the best memory games for the elderly since it can be played alone or in groups, and it is as entertaining as it is helpful when looking for ways to improve the memory and exercise the mind.