Meg’s Guides: The Best Small Bins for Home Composting

When you think of compost, farm-sized mounds traditionally come to mind. But thanks to the evolution of the compost bin, you no longer need a lot of space to compost at home. Small compost bins maximize available space to heat up and break down even small amounts of kitchen waste. Here’s a quick tutorial to help you find the right bin for your home composting needs.

Basic Plastic Compost Bin: Great for Home Gardens
The simplest compost bins are basically just small containers with snap on lids and odor filters. These are great for homes with small gardens and vegetable-heavy diets that can provide lots of clippings. These trash-can sized containers must be roughly 75 percent full to effectively compost. But they give a a lot of garden-enriching compost in return for their high demands. Some models come with a removable bottom to allow worms and microorganisms access to the nutritious compost to help stimulate a vibrant garden ecosystem.

Sectioned Compost Bins: The Best for Kitchen Composting
Sectioned compost bins are ideal when you want to compost but don’t have a large garden or yard to produce ample clippings. A sectioned compost bin restricts the break-down of waste into small compartments that build up heat without large volumes. Waste goes in to one compartment, breaks down into small enough pieces to transfer to the next. By the time it reaches the bottom section its ready to spread. Kitchen scraps are enough to fill it and some models are compact enough to fit under the kitchen sink.

Compost Tumbler: The Quickest Way to Compost
If you need compost in a hurry, a compost tumbler is the way to go. The key to a compost tumbler’s speed is it’s spinning action. As the compost tumbles, the heat distributes more evenly and the food breaks down more quickly. Turn the compost tumbler’s crank once or twice every two to three days and the compost will break down in as few as 14 days. Stationary compost piles, by comparison, may take two months or longer.

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Keep these guidelines in mind when searching for a compost bin for your home. How much waste can you provide? How quickly do you need to turn around compost? How much do you want to spend? Choose a compost bin suitable to your needs and you’ll be producing your own composted soil in no time.